SB Labs

Cruise time- TRT dosing

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I was 35 when I started. Did it mostly for powerlifting. And just kept going. Never was a body builder per say. Best I ever got with BF is 10%. I’m still pushing the 1200 pound club so there’s that. At some point I’ll stop. But for now I’m still trying to push it.
Hahaha! I wore a T-shirt a few days ago that had crossed 1911s one said Chesty. The other said Puller. Some kid asked me if he was someone famous. I said he is a Saint. 😂
Nice heart stats I should get some of the heart tests run its been awhile and now that im off for awhile longer should see where im sitting with everything. You know I also can’t handle most compounds anymore its even light testosterone for me moving forward.
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I go to doctors every Jan for the whole gambit of tests. Had two biopsies done for skin cancer. Going for a colonoscopy on Friday. Getting my knee looked at this week too. It’s to the point of replacement and I’m afraid to get it done. But I can’t do any legs without my brace on. So there’s that… when I say afraid, I mean not going to be able to do squats anymore. Got my legs nice and beefy now. 😂
We’ve had a good amount of success with surgeries especially replacements at ugmuscle the knee that sucks especially since your legs are filling in nicely. Just take it easy like a bunch of us do less weight more reps still grow and less likely to hurt yourself. It works
Well riding season is just around the corner. So I may wait till November so I don’t miss out on summer rides with the club. 😂
I’m on 200mg ew split into 2.

I’m honestly thinking 250mg would make me feel better. Maybe I need to get back to the doc and get on proviron. I think my shbg is too high because I don’t feel much libido. Or maybe this is “normal” libido. It sucks not feeling superhuman anymore.
I know I’d feel better on more, but for a cruise I’m willing to accept less to get levels all in check. Plus cutting out ai would be nice for a break with that
My local trt dr had me on 150mg pinned 1xweek witch brought me to 749 . I stopped going and bumped mine up to 165mg a week putting my levels around 900 pinning M,W,F for more stable blood levels. after I’m done with this cycle I’m currently on running test deca dbol ,I’m going to completely stop pinning clear out my system first let my test levels drop down to 300 should take about 4/6 weeks witch will let those receptors have a break then start trt up again and give myself some well needed time off !
Be careful brother. I posted on here somewhere. Years ago, due to circumstances beyond my control, I stopped everything. I was shutdown and my levels tanked big time. I ended up at my doc for trt. My initial lab test levels were so low the doc had me go back again. I don’t remember exactly but they were below 100. My a1c shot up…it was terrible. I felt like death warmed over.
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