SB Labs

Crusing on test e and inj. Carnitine

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Well-known member
After powerlifting comp looking to recover health mostly. And lose some fat.

Currently 500iu hcg x3 weekly
Hgh 2iu x5 week until im out, maybe 6ish weeks
Then after hgh Ghrp-2/mod grf x3 ED 100mcg each, most likely that dose.

Test e 175mg split biweekly, starting in july, letting esters clear
Keep gh peptides
Drop hcg once out

Going to try melalantoan 2 i think to help tan.

Getting bloods pulled early july, most things are good except chloestrol. Hoping to see it get better, if not doctor said pivastatin should be used on cycle. And Ezetimbe should be used all the time.

Also doing 30min cardio everyday, for mood and weight loss. I always feel better at the gym or going for a walk/bike ride.

I will update weekly or more
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It cleared my cholesterol quicker than anything I had ever used the Glutathione.
I went and got 6 month blood work expected to see everything out of range my cholesterol and liver count was in range.
When my doctor told me I asked if they could have made a mistake lol I was shocked lol
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Becareful they have released cheaper versions onto the dietary supplement market.
Make sure that the ingredient is Glutathione and it isn’t changed or a different compound with a close name.

I also believe that the fda is going to make it prescription only soon because I tried to buy in bulk for ugm supps and it was sold out completely.
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Alright i lost some weight down to 250lb, feel much healthier just not being out of breath going up stairs. I have been doing 30min cardio everday. I dont go hard though just medium on the elliptical. Doing some lighter weight and no big 3 exercises pin press instead of bench for example. And block pulls for deadlift.

I have been eating quinoa, egg whites, bottom round steak, and some popcorn mostly in the last week. I want to drop about ten more pounds.

Also going to see girlfriend this weekend excited about that got some cialsis viagara and just bought some pt141. That should be fun, im trying to convince her to take some pt141 as it is being made to help women woth sexual desire and is in fda trials i believe.
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Hit 460lb squat in sleeves for 8 solid reps today felt great then did some vertical leg press 3 sets of 15 with 4 plates per side and then some leg extension. Quads feel huge, hamstring cramped up on me tho8gh that hurt.
He are some bloods estrogen was low due to me trying to get rid of some gyno with ai. Stopping that now just going to have to get surgery one day.

Happy with total test, free t is really high though.

Waiting still for igf1
Good numbers for 350mg of testosterone right?

You didn’t crash your estrogen it must have been really high probably because of hcg maybe a peptide?
Alot of us get gyno brother its a pain in the ass my reccomendation is adex and nolvadex moving forward it can shrink or even dissapear.

I will try to find the post I made from pubmed

This is a good one but not exactly what I was looking for @squatter
Raloxifene the best drug for getting rid of gyno Steroid Profiles
How To Get Rid Of Gyno Without Surgery Once a lump has formed and you realize oh sh*t I have gynecomastia (gyno), there are only a couple options you have. Get surgery and get the glands removed completely Try and reverse Gyno (the lump) with drugs Now, the common approach most individuals have when it comes to gyno reversal with drugs is they tank the living hell out their Estrogen by slamming Letrozole, or they load up on Nolvadex. First off, Letrozole can’t reverse a fully developed lump…
Gyno treatment with an aromatase inhibitor, gyno treatment with Arimidex,gyno treatment with Anastrozole Steroid Cycles and Discussion
Treatment of testosterone-induced gynecomastia with the aromatase inhibitor, anastrozole This is a really good read on two men on trt who developed gyno and were treated with Anastrozole or Arimidex. Its very interesting to me that it was treated and cured with adex and not aromasin or letrozole.
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In the cycle i got some gyno from deca and tren being combined it was fine but the last two weeks of anadrol grew the gyno even with pharma prami
Definitely will that sucks im sorry to hear that we live and we learn brother those pubmed articles are of people who got rid of gyno with adex and nolvadex. There’s different ways also or just surgery will definitely knock it out I know a couple of the guys have had the surgery
Nolvadex can definitely help and just keep your testosterone under control maybe. 25mg adex 2x a week if that effects you heavily maybe. 25 every 5 days with the nolvadex
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My current stack is 200mg test e with 900mg inj. Carnitine x5 days per week preworkout. And 200mg inj. Glutathione x2-3 weekly. 5mg cialsis everyday.

I found a couple old halotestin 5mg tabs and used one on tuesday preworkout for fun and damn that hit hard. I did 405 squat in sleeves for 14 reps. Then couldnt catch my breath for 5 minutes.

I will wait for my next cycle to add in any more halotestin i only have a few rabs anyway.

I hope everyone has a good morning
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