Cycle you saw the most growth from?

Thank you fellas really appreciate it making great gains im very happy so far! I literally dont own any dress clothes that i fit in anymore. When i ned them ill buy them to fit my body at that particular time because im always in either gaining or leaning out mode so its never the same lol but honestly at the size i am curently i have to buy XXL sweatpants and XXXL tee shirts which are still like another layer of skin tight on my delts, traps, arms, and back but loose enough on my midsecton where its comfortable! Makes me laugh considering when i graduated high school i was a skinny ass hockey player weighing 170lbs and 11” arms 🤓
Heres a pic from last night after i went to Cheesecake Factory for my b-day i ate sooo much i was sweating like a whore in church 😅
Just demolished legs my man! I appreciate it and love all you guys here hope you guys dont mind all the pics im just making crazy progress and love to share with bros who understand what it takes to be the best we all can be :facepunch:t2:
Omg dude!! My sweating is uncontrollable and my appetite is insatiable! Im fkn starving all day everyday. This eq is insane strong prob some of the best ive ever run in my life! Im lovin how i look and feel! Ty bro :metal:t2:
I been putting off EQ cause I’m pinning a lot every week but want it just for the sheer fact that I keep hearing about substantial appetite increase
I mainly use iron junkie, but I did place a order with @UNITED I will be receiving it soon, tryin some of his tne, mast p, and test c, I will at some point try EQ, but I’m pinning npp m/w/f along with mast p everyday, along with tne everyday I workout so 6x a week and I obviously don’t mind pinning, but that’s enough for me at the moment ya know
I do understand im pinning test400 and eq300 on mon, weds, fri and tne preworkout 4-5 days a week so totally get it brotha! Ive heard lots of good shit about IJL havent used anything from them yet myselfas a sponsored athlete from United i have used most of his compounds and have been making some of the best progress in my life since.
Thats what im going for with the long primo run im about to start.
Your build is amazing, you’re shredded I could imagine if you were to get on stage you would have muscle straitions if you were even more dried out.
Much respect brother
I will post pics of @UNITED order when I get it and let ya know how I feel on it, Atleast I will know quickly with the tne!!
Damn brotha I appreciate that a ton man ty! Primo is great i ran it at 700mgs for 25 weeks last year it gives your muscles very round look and builds quality muscle which is exactly what im after always. I stay on cardio year round along with super clean diet 1 cheat meal a week. Kill the weights and let the body recover then get up and do again! Love this life :muscle:t2: And this forum is home for me 💙
What kind of gains did you get at 700mgs. Im a little torn about how I should run my primo. I was going to start at 500 and increase as far up as I could over 20-25wks but I was speaking with makkwa im not sure if you know him from eroids but I trust his opinion highly and he was telling me to jump right in at 800mgs and run it until the oil is gone. Lol
He said that I might end up disappointed if I don’t go all the way through the whole run. We were also talking about possibly adding in some igflr3 to go along with the gh im running. Any experience with the igf?
This is the truth. Diet is the key to everything in this.
The way you eat is the way you will gain. You can take as much gear as you want but without the protien carbs and fats you will just be full of gso or mct oil lol
Id def agree with makkwa i think you should choose the dose you are gonna run and go all the way through the entirety of the cycle to get best results. Primo is very mild so no need to worry about sides they are pretty much non-existent. I have used igf-1lr3 and i didnt like it at high dose 80-100mcgs a day. It literally made me pregnant. Def caused a lot of dissention. When i ran it at 10-20mcgs daily over the long haul i got much better results. Igf-1 creates new muscle cells to grow. Lifting weights and using steroids will cause those new muscle cells to mature and grow into new muscle mass. Not a process that needs to be rushed at all. Nowadays i stay on gh year round at 4iu a day. Get all the benefits no sides feel amazing and stay super lean win win in my book :metal:t2:
Absolutely Bigmurph diet is everything in this sport whether you are trying to gain 30lbs or dieting down to 3% bf what you put in your mouth will determine what you ultimately look like. I see just about everyday people putting all this time and effort into planning a cycle yet if you ask them how many calories they take in from carbs, protein, and fats they shrug their shoulders or say yeah bro i eat soooo much lmao. If you arent weighing out your food and tracking your calories then you are skipping the most valuable element in bbing! And trust me if you think you are eating 5000 cals a day ill bet you its more like 3000-3500. The amount of food i have to eat to maintain my size is crazy and i doubt highly that most people could do it day in and out years straight. It becomes another full time job of cooking, cleaning, weighing, and prepping meals but if you are truly serious about this than its a must
Ha ha I can’t help myself but what I put in my mouth I will ultimately look like so that’s why I look like a pussy then, dam it, I’m telling the woman no more, I don’t wanna look like that anymore!