Daily Thread July 17 2020

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Woke up earlier to get that adrol down see if it helps hit earlier in workout

Doing an injector job this morn here is my thermostat yesterday here while I was working !

It was a little warm glad I’m not on tren
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Well just got home from vacation and back to the daily grind…( Not looking forward to my 130 degree kitchen tonight ugh ) Anyways at the community we were at they had a gym I was able to access, oh man what a godsend! I’ll tell you what I’m sore as hell from getting to push real iron again!
Yup! It’s fucking unbelievable… all thanks to our lovely Gov. Phil Murphy ( fucking tool ) I keep hearing different things, from they should’ve opened in June and all the way up to reopening in September, idk man shit sucks man. I still get money ED from resistance bands, couple weights I do have, and calisthenics.
Ohhh that is interesting. I’m sure the gov would find a way to shut it down. But that extra cash would be nice.
I love eating and lifting but being married with a daughter and no real desire to try and compete at the moment it’s really hard to want to start dieting or getting lean. I’ve got lifts going up weekly and I’m only on trt at the moment so I’m in a good groove actually progressing more than if I was on three times the amount. It also doesn’t help that even though there are a ton of competitors at my gym the guys I talk to the most are the competitive powerlifters and strong men. No real point just typing out loud lol
I’m single so I’m going to wait till I snag a long term lady to let myself go full in powerlifting diet and build. Getting the body to look better now to trick one into thinking I’m attractive
That’s what I did. She’s stuck with me now jk
My wife is very supportive. I told her last year I was going to actually buckle down and compete this year and the only thing she asked was how much money do I need, when the date is and what she needed to cook or any other way she could help.
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