SB Labs


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Digging out my gear for the next round of grow with my boys found my old squat suit
Was kinda still am just part time I know we have talked about it. You must have me confused with one of your other boyfriends. I keep my old training gear in one of my old bags I dug em our of closet cause by BB friend are starting there grow phase a show and I told them I would help which means I will train with them so I can spot them etc, so I’m gonna need all the help I can get
I take all supps a waking them get to gym about hour and half two hours later. For some reason I feel like anadrol does hit till three hour mark. May wake earlier take that go back to sleep then do my thing
I referred a friend to Ug. I am meeting with a guy tomorrow and I think he is interested in finding out more about this life style I want to refer him to Ug also. Does Ug keep track of these referrals. If so how do I track it? @Bigmurph
Pretty simple process. Get fresh mangoes, preferably the less stringy kind. Cut the mangoes into small cubes and add fresh lime juice or lemon juice then sugar, boil it then let it simmer until becomes almost translucent (you can then blend it if you want a smoother less chunky jam) dump into mason jar and cover then store in cool dry place.
I do all the growing, the wife does the jam, sauce and pickles, I have no idea how to make it
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