SB Labs


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I remember when you didn’t go downtown without back up. Heard that O.T.R. got a serious facelift. I used to run around stupid down there and the east end. Now there’s so many heroin addicts man it’s crazy! Lost some friends to that shit.
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Lived on Oahu in 2014-2015.
Still crave the food from there!
Shave ice
Seared ahi
Avocados straight off the trees
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I just ran around doing stupid shot this past weekend. I actually even get called dirt by many of the street people there as I wouldn’t give real name. Weird seeing so many of the bars I used to deliver to being closed before the time I would make deliveries
I actually used to go to this gym down there called the Lord’s Gym back in the day.
It was free. Just had to sit through a bible study.
It wasn’t Very nice but the people were amazing. I actually heard they moved and expanded recently and it is really nice now, and pretty good size.
Yeah atmosphere of egos, and dumbfucks that take LOOOOOOOOOOOOONG breaks in between sets on a machine fiddling with there phone, and I don’t give a fuck if your a good lookin chic either,go twitter in your car and stare at yourself in the mirror stupid ass.
I’m talking about being at place where the people are pushing each other on there lifts. What I hate about commercial gyms there’s no getting crazy and hyped up to hit prs and shit
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