SB Labs

Discussion Dates For Carbs


Staff member
I’ve been sleeping on these. Very low glycemic index meaning minimal blood sugar spike. In some they cause ZERO blood glucose increase.

Just picked some up from Costco and FIVE of them is 30 carbs. Talk about a growth phase super food. That’s so little intake for 30/60 carbs.

I know the guys who have worked with Milos say they have to eat a shit ton of dates. Definitely will be using these heavily come January.
Hmmmm interesting

$7.99 at Costco right now for approx 31 servings. I’m going to run an experiment in the morning. Fasted glucose. 5 dates. 30 min. Check again.
I never really thought about those. I used to love them as kid. I'll grab some when finally able to get around.
I never really thought about those. I used to love them as kid. I'll grab some when finally able to get around.
I always thought they were old people food like prunes. Until I recently talked with a guy who had worked with Milos for about 6 months. Then I saw these and figured I’d give them a shot.
The medjool dates were to much for me. Way too big. I liked them but they spiked me. I will have to look for the smaller ones. Way easier to regulate.
I always thought they were old people food like prunes. Until I recently talked with a guy who had worked with Milos for about 6 months. Then I saw these and figured I’d give them a shot.
Old people food like prunes…Blahaha that’s funny.

Prunes will make you 💩
My great granny seemed to always have a pot of prunes stewing on the stove. Remember it well along with the plastic covered furniture and plastic runners over carpet and the usual dish of hard candy.
It's sad as I'm getting older i see the prunes in the grocery store isle and think I could use a packet lol. I've gone thru every symptom this flu case now so I think it took care of it on day 4 lol.
🤢🤢🤢 that’s a brutal flu trajectory
🤢🤢🤢 that’s a brutal flu trajectory
Were all sick here with flu type A. I was too late for tamiflu so have to ride it out. Wife and daughter got the tamiflu and seems to have helped our daughter mostly but wife can't get out of bed today.

Day 1 I felt off. Nighttime first fever hit.

Day 2 cough and congestion. Nausea. Couldn't get out of bed tho aches everywhere. Neg flu result on take home test.

Day 3 worst. Still couldn't get out of bed. Video call with doc didn't do shit but said to wait it out and gave useless meds.

Day 4 diarrhea hit early morning around 1am. Cough and congestion all day. Triggered migraines. Throat hurts. Stuck in bed still. Around Nighttime daughter coughing and sneezing. Said eyes hurt.

Day 5 doc appointment. Mucus turned from clear to yellow. Confirmed flu type a at clinic. Doc said too late for me for tamiflu so just gave an antibiotic for lung issues. Asshole didn't give the right one tho. Got a nasal spray as well and inhaler that helps.

Few hours later daughter fever hits and we get in and she's positive flu a. Wife also positive type a. Wife's doc gives them tamiflu. Daughters out all day horrible in bed.

Day 6 today. Still congestion and cough. Burning up tho. I can move around a bit with high dosing ibuprofen. 800mg gives me about 3 hours activity.

Daughter more activity today but still sick. Wife stuck in bed. She usually has a high immune system but she looks horrible today.

I'm down around 5-6 lbs today but still everything i eat feel nauseous.
Darn man. I’ve had the “real” flu like you. I know it’s miserable. Hope you and family get better soon.
Thanks bro
The sickest day in my life was the day I retired. I had the flu so bad… I don’t remember the ceremony they had for me on the shop floor. Drove straight to beachcare… went home after swabbing positive and the first 5-6 days of retirement was spent in bed feeling like I going to die. Hahaha can’t make that up.
I couldn't get the phlegm out of my lungs for days. Tried everything. Hot then cold. I finally got into steam room. My bathroom didn't work. Loosened up mucus but I was so tired from trying to spit the shit out. Took about a week to want to not die. I hate puking and coughing and can't get the mucus out. 2 days post cracked all omega. I swear I feel the deca. Haven't taken Deca LA in years. I have a lot of beligas and hutech. Anyone hear anything on beligas. I just wanna jack the shitn out of it. I did BOGO when huyech was here. I have 5 of everything!