This really depends on what you’re doing. Obviously the ultimate goal is to look good naked, but zooming in, is it to gain in your muscle or cut down fat? I’m not big on dbol but it will add to your lifts considerably which will add muscle, but it also makes you very bloaty. You will look less good naked while you’re taking it.
Var is almost the opposite, it doesn’t add hardly any size though it does add some strength, but it dries you out considerably. Some people say it cuts fat in the midsection, but I’m not sure how much of it is fat relative to less retained water weight. Also consider people usually run it on a cut, so they’d have seen a smaller midsection anyway.
TLDR: Var is usually run at the end when polishing up gains, dbol is usually run at the start to get a head start on making gains at the expense of looking watery during.