I wasn’t dogging your doses, genuinely curious about the doses for TRT enhancement. A lot of people would say 100mg deca every 2 wks is a waste, where I disagree or that wouldn’t be the pharmaceutical dose. 100mg primo a week sounds nice all summer following spring blaster, and affordable enough to spend the $ on alpha pharm or pharma. Suppose I didn’t mean bulk/shred is nonsense, but that one can get big on most gear depending how they want to eat. That’s really my biggest problem, they are all lean bulkers! Before whey isolate was available it was so fucking hard, that old stuff was gross.
Sorry, i didn’t meant to imply you aren’t maxed out, just a lot of folks buying gear are enhancing/taking sort cuts (I’m guilty!)
I guess my main beef with dosage calculation is that some folks don’t account for stacks and run relatively high doses of multiple compounds, a gram of gear is where I plateau or at least gains vs sides isn’t worth it. Granted a pro is going to waste away if he isn’t cruising on a G of test, but I’m no Ronnie Coleman. I just can’t eat enough to justify more gear.
Some people can eat meals a day and run 700mg of tren a week, that would make me a fucking lunatic! Different strokes.
For sure going to use your deca TRT protocol, was on the fence about running 100 or just 50mg a week. And primo @ 100mg/wk all summer sound fucking sexy.