SB Labs

December 28th diets and training time

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Staff member
Military Vet
Good morning to all. Cheese steak cheese lots a pepper,strawberries n a bananna,apple juice n coffee.I did forearms this morning.Now I’m helping my dad pack and move some of his stuff into my basement.Got a doctor appointment this afternoon,gotta clear the headspace out some.Might do traps later.Tell the wife,kids,girlfriend,boyfriend(gross) that you love and appreciate them.Enjoy your day motherfuckers.
Not sure what I’m eating today doig squats and hoping I don’t swell shut. Then goign jeans shopping I need some that fit. Haven’t gotten any since I’ve move here 3 years ago theh all too big in waste
My girls was goig to try but I need to actualy try them on to see if they fit. She kept trying to buy me size too small
I hate tryin shit on,sometimes I won’t even buy stuff if it requires the trying on,some thing I just know will fit,sometimes it backfires
Samo samo for me. No training just piddling roynd here
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Just hit a BBQ joint in Brooklyn and to my surprise they had the best damn brisket I’ve ever had. Apparently the owner and pit master was trained by one of those world famous guys out of Texas and it shows. Yogurt, hard boiled eggs, and D&D iced coffee black/no sugar for breakfast and a pound of smoked brisket for lunch. Training will be 30 min on the reflex bag followed by as many push-ups as I can do after that.
What’s the name I maybe hitting up the city this year. Both my and gf family live in nyc Staten Island for me Bronx for her
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Same breakfast as yesterday as will be until Friday when I cook again. Hit shoulders this morning.
Breakfast was the same as yesterday, lunch was supposed to be 6.5 oz 93% lean ground beef, 150 g (cooked) basmati rice and 100 g Brussels sprouts… however it quickly turned into 20 wings because the local bbq joint had buy 10 get 10 and the front office from the union hall wanted to take all the teachers from the apprenticeship center to lunch. So, 20 wings, 10 Buffalo and 10 Raspberry Habanero… dinner will now be what I WAS going to have for lunch.
What Italian spaghetti isn’t good enough. What the fuck is dumb in a can spaghetti?
Although I prefer Anglo-Saxon Soaghetti which is ground venison meat sauce with angel hair
Angel hair is my go to I don’t like the thick ass spaghetti
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