December 2nd edition of diets and training

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Staff member
Good morning all,another restless and discontent night gotta love it.Breakfast was 1oikos,plain bagel, protein shake, cranberry juice,coffee.Not sure what I’m doin at the gym,not sure I’m even going to gym.(they are opening it for us Saturday n Sunday)So no big deal if I miss today.I am grateful for my meds to keep me somewhat straightened out.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
BF #1 - 3 eggs, 3 eggs whites, rice
BF #2 - Overnight oat in soy milk, w/ 1/2 scoop of protein powder
Snack #1 - Chocolate/Banana 50g protein smoothie
Lunch - Lean Ground turkey, protein rice, veggies
Dinner - Heavy Hors D’oeuvre

Workout 1 -
5x1 Heavy Clean and Jerk (work up to 230ish)

Workout 2 -
4 Minute AMRAP:
15 Thrusters, 100#
15 Chest-To-Bar Pullups

Daily Gratitude:
Instagram “Fitness” Reels…they can be very thought provoking.
Hit legs and abs this morning and hour of cardio. this is the food I got so far for the day for breakfast and lunch, there’s more egg whites but it doesn’t show lol trying not to have whole eggs. But it’s hard. I love tf out of them
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Doing meal prep and I guess the ven decided to stop heating half way through. Guess this weekends chicken will be tough
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