Decided to go with more of a recomp instead of a full bulk


So I was initially going to do one last full bulk as you would call it but I’ve decided to go another route and finally take that plunge into the dark side(Tren) hahaha yes I said it TREN ! Yes I hear everyone saying if you don’t compete don’t use it well your competing for a plastic trophy and most of all your looks and that what Im doing it . for my own satisfaction look good while fuckin the ol lady right !! Hahaha end of the day we all choose our routes but we must do it with caution at all times … I’ll be running Test E 500 mg Tren A 50mg eod pinning mon,wed,fri,sun for 6weeks proviron 50mg Ed arimidex .25mg e4d. Currently on trt . Any tweaks advice much appreciated
I would use prami because cabergoline has been shown in studies to increase cardiac inflammation, valve thickening, and fibrosis. at 1-2mg per week. And heart damage shown at a cumulative dose of 300mg. Which is a ton. Just though you should know. Good day. Although caber makes me feel like I can fuck all night long, when i use to use it, the ulimate sex combo for me is caber, tren, pt-141, cialsis,
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Doing something somewhat similar come April, Holy Trinity time, but some lower doses

Per week
Test P 250
Mast P 250
Tren A 250

8 weeks total. Have been back and forth on tren but want to try it lowish dose, see if it’s for me or not.
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This was my first two cycle 500 first time, along with 400 deca, 600 test, it was dumb, nowadays If I get the tren itch I use 300-400 tops
It wont let me post the link to the study but here is a paragraph. I personally dont use cabergoline because steroids already damage the heart, so I use prami instead. If you use moderate steroids and low dose cabergoline i think your fine. But I like high dose steroids.
USA approves caberegoline for prolactinomas but not Parkinson’s, because Parkinsons requires a higher dose, and is more damaging. So i select the least damaging of the two compounds, Pramipexole. I use it only with Tren or Trestolone, Deca or NPP never need(atleast for me) an anti-prolactin drug.

This is one of the first studies that comes up if you google(i dont use google duckduckgo) “cabergoline heart damage”. I am not allowed to post links.

Cabergoline , a dopamine receptor-2 agonist used to treat prolactinomas and Parkinson’s disease , is associated with increased risk of cardiac valve disease due to increased frequencies of valvular thickening, calcifications, fibrosis and increased mitral tenting area. Not left ventricular hypertrophy (my bad) but still damages the heart. @NeuroRN
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When I ran 30mg tren ace ED awhile ago, I felt hot all time, extreme sweating during working out, increased emotions( anger, and love). When I am on tren I like my girlfriend a lot more, and not just sex.( odd but everyone is different. I felt like the gains were ok but 50mg ED is better for me on risk/reward ratio. Although better compounds could be used in place of tren for bulking, none are as good for recomping or cutting.