Decided to go with more of a recomp instead of a full bulk

My opinion only…is this stuff doesn’t grab a hold of you like opioids and other narcotics and make you very very dumb things. Theres dudes out there that were heterosexual males and will suck a peter for money for a rock.
I also would like to state for the record,that they need to bring in the Marines to protect the Inauguration, NOT the National Guard
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I believe that I traded one for another at one point but I don’t believe so because I ran for almost 2yrs straight and just stopped for over a year now. So I don’t believe that anymore I believe that im an addict and have no business going anywhere around opioids. I don’t believe that because I take other compounds im addicted to them at all I just don’t feel that I have no more control like I did with opioids.
Some though do have to ask if they traded one for another or are just adding more drugs taking AAS and narcotics which is a big no no you can easily die look what happened to Rick Pianna I miss his videos alot but it seemed he was doing something that he shouldn’t have been doing at the time he passed R.I.P.
You know I’ve heard of this and when I hung around the real lost souls
On streets of cincinnati woman def would do this but never once did any of the guys do it. Then again i watched tiger king and the meth seemed to do that
I don’t want the violence either, but we both know how people are, run their mouth and act dumb when their in a big crowd or group and then all a sudden it’s LE’s fault or military’s fault for taking action,you press your luck and you pay. They already resorted to violence so the National guard is gonna have strict ROE’s but their gonna be on edge, it’s not a good combo, I’ve been there.
Meth stimulates the sexual pleasure part of the brain among others that’s were sex and meth get connected. That’s why it tore through the gay community and also there have been so many babies born addicted to meth which is horrible and I have no idea what they will end up doing with these kids they can never feel joy again from birth they never know what its like to get a burst of saratonin because it’s already all burnt up and that’s the chemical the brain releases when it feels joy,happiness,and good

Its truly the most addictive and worst drug on the planet stay far away from meth everyone who ever reads this
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I was offered once and I politely declined. Dude had to hide his use from the rest the people at the place cause there was hierarchy of drug use and the crack grass looked down on the meth and Ron users. Saw dude get beat by dealer cause he asked for puppy chow. Crazy shit I used to be around. Even when I didn’t need to be
Great and candid discussion in this thread! Like many of you, I’ve done my share of really stupid shit, including pharmaceuticals, but like BigMurph, I had a natural brake probably from my parents that kept me from going too far. The thing about juice is that it can be good for you when done correctly. Like DirtNasty, I have a natural inclination to want to do more and take bigger risks, but then the brake kicks in and reminds me that I’m doing this to better myself, to improve my life, not to hide from it. That thought is a great regulator. When juice makes your life worse, not better, something needs to change. Anyway, that’s my $.02.
It has me really worried that someone is going to dress like a trump supporter like they did at the capital building Don’t even get me going on that BLM AND ANTIFA were at the capital building.
I have proof that the windows that babbitt jumped through was broken by 2 antifa blm supporters. This is domestic terrorism but its not the trump supporters actually doing the terrorist acts were just dumb enough to let antifa and blm get us going which is psychological warfare.

I just hope that someone doesn’t set it up to look like something that it isn’t I don’t want to hear about trump supporters doing something horrible to find out it was other actors usually blm and antifa