SB Labs

DIANABOL (Methandrostenolone, Methdienone)


Dianabol® (methandrostenolone, methdienone)

Androgenic 40-60
Anabolic 90-210

Standard Methyltestosterone (oral)
Chemical Names 17a-methyl-17b-hydroxy-1,4-androstadien-3-one
1-Dehydro- 17a-methyltestosterone
Estrogenic Activity moderate
Progestational Activity not significant

Dianabol is the most recognized trade name for the drug methandrostenolone, also referred to as methandienone in many countries. Methandrostenolone is a derivative of testosterone, modified so that the hormone’s androgenic
(masculinizing) properties are reduced and its anabolic (tissue building) properties preserved. Having a lower level of relative androgenicity than testosterone, methandrostenolone is classified as an “anabolic” steroid, although quite a distinct androgenic side is still present. This drug was designed, and is principally sold, as an oral
medication, although it can also be found in a number of injectable veterinary solutions. Dianabol is today, and has historically been, the most commonly used oral steroid for physique and performance-enhancing purposes.
It says “most commonly used”…I was thinking that befor I got to the bottom of the description. I would probably have to agree.
Its been around the longest we have Dr Zeigler and the Olympic lifting teams because they had a cold war but no bombs just hormones and who could create the best. Dr Zeigler actually created dbol and he created resistance training basically at the same time because his pitch was that the Olympic lifters only had to resistance train and he promised the win would happen and we finally won gold but the soviets copied Dianabol and came back with Turinabol for the women we have never found out what the men were using until the last couple of Olympics and because of Icarus really that’s when we found out about the mouth wash that the use was testosterone base tren base and another compound I can’t remember but they were passing drug tests taking tren base which is a nor19 so I believe that it definitely had to be a variant or something was done so that it wouldn’t stay in there system.

Icarus is an amazing documentary that really shows that every athlete is using some type of ped
I have that on Netflix…started watching it. Never got back to it.

Do you remember (i think) the east german womens swim team back a ways? It was extremely apparent they were “enhanced”.
I was reading an interesting article on the East Germans using tbol for their Olympic teams. The dosing was unusually high for the women, and I think a lot of them developed all sorts of health issues later in life?
Even marrathon runners use PEDS one world record holder would use 50ml of l-carntine before the race, as was the case with Nike Oregon project. Which most of the USA olympic marathoan team was on.
Thanks for the Netflix suggestion…definitely will check it out. Glad it’s Friday (now Saturday) as I just crashed for a few hours after work and can’t seem to get to sleep. So just got a good shoulder workout in the garage knocked out, and now winding down with a late night meal. At least I have something interesting to watch. 👍
Wow. I bet that was some interesting reading. All the lab notes and surveillance on their athletes.
I always got the impression that their athletes were dosed against their will or they really didn’t have a choice. Might be wrong.
It could be true the kgb was in charge of the doping program so they were and still are very serious about doping. The last Olympics almost every Russian athlete was banned after they found out about Icarus