SB Labs

Diet Over Drugs

I agree that diet and training are 90% of any cycle. I believe that the compounds also should be heavily researched before running anything.
My specialty is being able to give the right cycle for there goals. Im big on knowing almost every compound in and out.
Diet and training i have a good grasp on just not as good as diet but I have been researching diet plans playing with carbs and water intake even reading alot about diet also its fairly simple I believe that you will agree to put together a diet. Start off with tdee calculation then depending on goals use a 40/40/20 or run a60/20/20.
Depending on cutting or bulking.
No way am i shooting down the idea or thought of being knowledgeable on different compounds. I think it’s extremely important to know your shit when it comes to compounds before cycling as well.

Priority needs to be set though.
I find that some people don’t spend enough time on figuring out how certain foods react to their body and learn how to utilize food and nutrition to help the body recover and grow.

“I’m looking to go from 20%bf to 12%bf in 2 months, will tren help me reach this goal?”

-table flip-
Kunt said:
I find that some people don’t spend enough time on figuring out how certain foods react to their body and learn how to utilize food and nutrition to help the body recover and grow.
I just had this discussion with a potential patron who wants to commission me for my nutrition regimen program. We discussed the two main philosophies governing fat loss: eating at a deficit of 500 calories from one’s tdee (any macro intake) vs restricting the amount of carbs using the Katch-McArdle Formula focusing on a 40/40/20 macro intake.

From personal experience, I have always pinpointed the factor of difficulty of weight loss to be carbs, so I always follow the 40/40/20 macro intake with new patron. Since I am getting paid for my guidance, there is no way in hell I would chance any macro intake because of personal experience. And science, 😆