Diets and training time let's hear it.breakfast was 6 in cheesecstes

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Grub is as usual.

Suppose to squat today but have to chauffeur wife for outpatient foot stuff soooooo we’ll see.
Had turkey and cheese with some dbol pre bis a rear delts. I ordered inject but got pills so figured I’d try a do some sublingual. Great pumps wish I would have taken bp and checked weight before though as last thing I need is more estrogen right now. Fucking bloated. Funny how quick it happens
Carton of egg whites and some potatoes, hit traps and shoulders, going back for cardio in a little bit! Had I good pump today! Blood was flowing good!

Not training today. Eggs, egg whites, sausages and cheerios for breakfast, 90/10 ground sirloin, rice asparagus for lunch, egg whites, whey, OJ, banana for snack, no idea for meal 3 or Meal 4 yet. Ready to call my BA and tell him Im fixing to drag this fucker whether he’s got a job lined up for me or not, even shitty ass unemployment is better than being under appreciated and run fucking ragged by a company
Thank you! One day I’ll figure this out and ima look like an action figure haha until then, I keep learning and I keep pushing myself :muscle:t3:
Keep good notes. Over the years you’ll figure out what works for YOU and what doesn’t. Exercises and compounds…

Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own.

The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.

Bruce Lee
Just waking up now. Coffee, Cialis and a couple of gummy bears for breakfast. Training chest and triceps in a few. Will eat some chicken rice and beans after with the usual shake and banana.
Man fuck night shift. Never again in my life. It ruined my mentality when I did it a few years ago. I love sleeping and getting up early to much
If I could just stay on nights it would be awesome but my schedule flops back and forth and I hate that. Im not an early bird. If the sun’s not up why should I? Lol
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