SB Labs

Dirtnasty this was ment to be pharmaqo cycle

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Phq comes through again
Didn’t get to gym today feeling like absolute shit may have to go get tested gf lost sense of taste and smell
I don’t know my girl says she can’t taste for smell. I feel ok heading that direction still hungry though atleast
So I’m thinking I may put the ment on old and just keep
Pinning eq and test till I’m feeling tip top. Hoping girls test comes back negative otherwise Im heading in for test today.
They closed down baby girls day care/summer camp this week due to a covid outbreak. We’ve all been under the weather here. Wife took her in for rapid test yesterday and it was negative. The longer test is pending.
The contract I was at previous to this one has 4x the amount of pediatric covid positives it had the month before. I think we’re about to be in for one hell of year again.
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