SB Labs

Dirtnasty this was ment to be pharmaqo cycle

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Wrist is also I just had sex and then got abs cramps I may need water. This changing sleep pattern has fucked with eating schedule and I think I’m not drinking as much water
dinner for two


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Also I want to ad to this I’m starting to see the vein pop in bicep. 260 is going to be pretty insane or just maybe recomp and stay at 280 ish
What’s with the Mexican. Hahaha. I’m into Asian so I get ya. I dated a Mexican girl once she was a stripper. She was a lot of fun.
I’m surprised there was not b and a rice here also you said you wife is Filipino and right well I call them Mexicans of the sea so not to far off from me ahaha
It’s a play on chicken of sea. Filipinos are mostly short we’re conquered by Spain even similar pigmentation
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True. They were conquered by the Spanish. Laguauge even has a lot of Spanish influence. So I guess I can go with that. I’m gonna start calling her a sea Mexican. She gonna get pissed. I like to kiss her off then she has angry sex lmao.
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