Do you consider this a deadlift to rival the mountains?

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Ok, first off it’s impressive, but to put it in the same category as Thor’s deadlift isn’t accurate in my book.

It’s sumo style, we all know that is incredibly easier than a conventional deadlift, and I don’t believe should count in the official deadlift record books if he eventually sumo’s more than Thor.

The writer obviously has never done a conventional deadlift by the way he writes this article.
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I agree and disagree it’s not the same however back when I did compete there was no rule as to which one you had to use and I did use sumo if I could squat it I could deadlift it are there classes that do make you use a certain style now that was years ago? Like 15-20
I’m with @Outlawthing, I agree and disagree. Regardless of stance, you still have to have the power out of your hips to get the weight moving, and be able to generate enough speed to keep the weight moving until your hips are through. For someone with short femurs, sumo can be easier yes, they can get their hips lower In that stance and still get them through at the top. If you’re like me though, built with long femurs, sumo just isn’t an option. I pulled 300 kilos @ 220 and close to 300 kilos @ 198, both were conventional. If I pulled sumo, I would have been 200 lbs lighter at least, I couldn’t get my hips low enough to generate the power to move the weight. @Outlawthing, every fedration I lifted in (USPA, USAPL, NASA, UPA, SPF) allowed either stance, I competed from 2001-2015.

Now, the thing I don’t like about these lifts, the damn wrist straps! Love watching the lifts, love watching Eddie Hall and Thor go back and forth, love watching strong man… but the wrist straps are just kind of a slap in the face
Sumo is a lot easier than a conventional deadlift, I’d like to see him pull 600+ on a conventional deadlift.

I get the straps, I feel a true deadlift should be hook grip if anything.

I think the biggest issue I have is with the article, you are comparing apples and oranges putting Thor’s deadlift record in the article. Sumo is a much shorter movement, straight up and down, and if you have the flexibility it allows for you to lift much heavier weights than a conventional deadlift. To me it’s like putting a block on your chest and bench pressing and calling that a world record.
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Mild arch, butt cannot leave the bench, it shouldn’t look like your spine will snap, I’ve seen guys do a bench with an arch and the movement is literally 3 inches.
Leverage is the name of the game, bend the rules any way you can… strong men get to use straps and can hitch their deadlift up to lockout if they want, I’m not knocking them, it’s still impressive. I was lucky enough in my time competing to witness in person a hand full of 900-1000 lb benchers, and every single one of them had their feet so far back behind them that they were straight down from their shoulders, looked extremely uncomfortable! Regardless of sumo or conventional, it’s impressive.
When y’all say wrist wraps you mean they can wrap the bar wrist wraps or just wraps on wrists ? We definitely couldn’t use those also we had to hold deadlift at top till judge said good and then couldn’t drop it we had to set it back down no letting it go I don’t mind the arch whatever works butt Stays on bench we had to lift off ourselves hold it till judge said down then hold at bottom till judge said press then hold at top again till judge said rack
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Strapped to bar. I feel like if you think sumo is cheating then any form of arch is as well
Strongman can use wraps that go around the bar, but still have to hold on top till judge gives ok, same with log, has to be locked out and held over head.
Wrist straps, not allowed in power lifting, but allowed in strong man… straps that wrap the bar and assist your grip.
Yeah they do hell that’s half the battle hold on to that shit still 1000 lbs strapped to your ass ai t no joke so what’s the power lift record vs strongman record imma have to google now
I’ve started working hook grip on deadlift days and other lifts like rdls just in case I get my squat to the point I feel like entering a competition
Currently 256 and only about 435 I’m guessing. Here from ankle break and was always it worst lift. Highest I hit back in the day was 585. Hoping to get to 500 by end of year. Lots of improvement can be made hell if I can just get it higher than my bench I’ll be happy
There is nothing wrong with that squat… first meet would be a starting point anyways! My bench was never anything higher than the mid 300’s, never stopped me, I could total around 1600 lbs with a 300 lbs bench because of my squat and DL.
I want at leAst a year of non interrupted lifting first broken ankle and corona have made me take multiple months breaks
Understandable… when you’re ready, just pick a meet and do it! Don’t worry about numbers, don’t worry about anyone else. Set YOUR bench marks… your greatest competition will always be yourself. Self doubt is a great motivator, especially when meet day comes and you turn the volume up to 10!
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