Do you consider this a deadlift to rival the mountains?

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I haven’t really seen too much of a noticeable bump from anadrol. Guess when I bump up to 100 a day after vaca we’ll see if it’s hit different
That was just the tip of the cap, pre contest my protocol would usually involve raising my test to anywhere from 600-800 mg per week split into E.O.D. injections in the later years I used NPP @ 400 mg per week in E.O.D. injections, sometimes Tren E instead of NPP. The Anadrol was typically added at the 4 week out mark, helped me maximize my peak, and on the day of the meet I would take 50 mg 1 hour prior to squat, and 50 mg 1 hr prior to deadlifts… a few times the meets were large enough that I needed 50 before bench too, all day affairs suck!
I’m with you boss I miss it squats and dead’s were for me bench was meh it was fun gave you goals kept you training nothing like 405 on squats for sets of 10 people be like dang now my back be like dang you should try it dirt train for it bands board chains rack offs get you a squat and dead suit bench shirt inzer was my go to I guess there are a bunch of brands nowadays
If I do it it will be raw hell right now I don’t use anything other than straps. No belt wraps or anything g else
I remember you told me your squat isn’t much. Bro that’s pretty good. At least for what I am use to being around. I’ve never seen competitions or anything but even the big guys around here aren’t doing that. @Dirtnasty
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My lifting partner in college was a 800 kind of guy. Damn thing he could barely get more on the hanging clean than me. Just goes to show the difference between strength and explosiveness
I was supposed to do my first strongman competition this year till corona hit, least now I have a full year to train. Sucks just getting into it now in my low 40’s, wish I would have tried it many years ago. I get discouraged at times thinking I’m to old to start.
I competed equipped for a short stint. Did a few single ply meets and a few multi ply meets. Had a real nice Inzer Leviathan squatter that could stand in the corner all by itself when I wasn’t wearing it. It got old quick though, taking more time to put equipment on than to actually lift!
Yeah it’s best to take someone with you that’s not lifting to help with the gear I blew my shirt out a few years ago playing still got my old dead/squat suit laying around nothing like suiting up snorting some ammonia caps and throwing up weight I miss it I think I wanna do it again sometimes I just do t think I could squat enough to make a difference with my back I know I can do over 500 still on squats but hell at my weight now them boys be putting up serious numbers
Agreed. I’m planning on doing at least a masters push/pull with my new hip, just a matter of getting back into the swing of training. Maybe I’ll do full power and just hit one attempt at a token squat so I get 3 whites!
The idea of me doing any competitions is so far off. I never even thought about it really. I love competing though. My numbers would have to double or triple compared to what you monsters are talking about. I would enjoy it.
The first time you do a meet don’t even worry about anyone else go in there just to get the feel of it learn the ropes get your starting point see where your at in your weight class you will prob see some of these guys several times at meets Now you know where your at you know where your competition is at so you can set goals above all else have FUN
I like it. Gonna wait a bit and get all my joints better so I can start maxing out. Waiting for the hgh to kick in. May even try the cocktail @NeuroRN recommend with peptides. My only way to gauge anything right now is my last set of 5 when I am strength training. I increase by at least 5 pounds per week on different exercises. But pushing past that with heavier weights screws up my elbow and shoulder. My knees and hips have made significant decreases in pain already so I know I am in the right direction
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