Do You Love or Hate Tren?

I will say this about most compounds, but especially tren, less is more for me. Lower dosage, longer cycles are my shit, 300 test e, 400 tren e for 16 weeks, is one of my favorites, I feel amazing and love the way I look.
So, TRT dose of Test C and a low dose of Tren while on cruise??

Tren E?? Conservative dose and time limit??
Definitely start out with cyp possibly 30 day lights before the introduction of the 2 possibly 60 then incorporate… Im not a professional but i know what works for me
Personally I love 300 test e, and 400 tren e, they have the same ester so I start them at the same time. I’ve run that cycle several times for 16-20 weeks. I always have letro, caber, & cialis on hand, but usually don’t need any ancillaries with that dosage.
If it doesn’t cause you issues and your not running your estrogen levels in the 80s or 100s lol
You should be good I would just watch out for your progesterone levels. If you control your estrogen levels while running nor19 compounds in most cases this will make it not an issue.
In some cases though usually with decca but tren can also cause progesterone related gyno and when your estrogen is under control its easier to control the progesterone problem with caber, prami.

I believe in only taking an AI or dopamine intag when bloodwork or symptoms occur I don’t believe that you should take these compounds unless they are needed.
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