Do You Love or Hate Tren?

I don’t take AI when using it, and like you I have little issues also.As for letting you have it,cause of the estrogen comment, have you seen the homo shit that I say on here…
Yeah, I realized after I posted it that. I guess I meant after being on cruise for about 2 months, then throwing in a low dose of Tren with my Test E, and maybe another like Mast. I just wasn’t sure of what lower normal starting doses folks were having good results with, and didn’t want to jump head first into something higher than is needed.
Good point, the few dudes I know that do this stuff run shit CONSTANTLY, no break, no pct, always on something, and bust my balls when I lose a little muscles cause I actually come off stuff, and pct, then take a break from everything for a month or two.
Want a killer physique, low test, moderate tren and high EQ, bring mast p in and out, finish with Sdrol or Adrol, and you’ll be a Greek god. My spring/ summer go too with out a doubt. As for a cruise trt test and perhaps proviron or low mast p, but hey that’s just my 2 cents every one is different
But that’s the hardest part of the whole ordeal, getting off a cycle.
I know for me it is… I actually hate. Stuff is ridiculously addicting, especially off a tren stack…
Feeling like God one week, down to normal person the next… Total head trip.
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I couldn’t agree more and I have never used tren but a long run of anything really will give you a hard time coming off.

Especially if you have certain preexisting conditions like me
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This past cycle was the first time I used it for an extended period of time. I think it was about 10 weeks.
I’ve tried it twice before, both times for like a week and my stomach would just be shit…
Had some good convo’s with @PHD and we fixed that right up…
Definitely will be apart of my next run in Jan/Feb (haven’t quite decided yet)
I agree, I lose momentum when I stop and some motivation,however I do enough to keep most of what I worked for, I also have long conversations with myself about staying motivated and not being a lazy shitbird just cause I’m not running anything and it usually works.