Donated blood today

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So my hemoglobin was at 17. Lady said it was a little high. Anything to be concerned about? But that’s cause I’ve been so busy and haven’t been in a long time. Going to do better to go every 3 months for now on tho
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If it was too high they would have turned you away.

Mine runs a little high also. Donate regularly.
Yeah she said nay higher they would of turned me down. it’s been since July since I lay went. It’s hard to go with working 6 days a week. I’d figure Sid check on here tho! I respect everyone’s opinions a lot and the feed back from this community
I go every 8 weeks as close
As I can get to be exactly 8 weeks each time my hemoglobin was fun but my blood was thick they couldn’t barely fill bag last time
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