Drug testing for PEDs

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So I was recently giving a UA by my PO now that the state is fully opened back up and I popped for everything I was taking or had taken. Tren, anadrol, winny and she said Test. My question is can they test for metabolites for injectable Test or is it only tested through levels? It’s obviously a natural hormone so it has to be in there. She said go see an endo immediately but until then you gotta stop. If I stop I won’t be able to function and I work a very physical job with long hours so it’s not an option. I thought testing for steroids was a blood test and very expensive?? Guess I was wrong. She’s gonna be watching my levels weekly to make sure they drop. Pretty bad situation. What’s your thoughts??
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Your probation officer said you popped for AAS??

That’s crazy I’ve never seen a UA that doesn’t get sent to a lab show Anabolics did they send it to a lab?
Yea me too. My only option is to get into an Endo ASAP and get a script so I can continue my Test. If not things will get ugly obviously and all my hard work down the drain. I could see in her eyes she felt terrible. She knows this is the one thing I enjoy and that it’s my outlet. It’s not her call though. I knew this could be a possibility though. I knew the risks when I got back on
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Hope it all works out do you have an idea of person who snitched or do you kind of look like you are def on gear
Yea I know exactly who it was my PO told me. That will get taken care of in time it’s too soon to do anything atm. My priority is getting a script but drs are like months out for appts rn. Gonna have to check out the online thing and call some more clinics when I’m done work. I did my last pin yesterday so time is of the essence
I just wanted to let you know that the nor19 compounds are going to show in your system for atleast a year. I hope that they can see the levels going down
Sorry to hear about your bad luck. I’m gonna start wearing sweatshirts to all my PO appointments. It’ll be like 90 in August I’ll be wearing a hoody. Lol. That may be obvious. Well hopefully you find a good TR doc soon bro.
Im worried also I’ve been in your shoes and they don’t fuck around they want to send you back up the road smh if you get to the doctor you might have a good chance. Have you ever violated before?
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