Educate Me-Israel Recent Attack

I was wondering the same thing…

I was unaware there were even pagers out there still. I thought that went away like 8 track tapes.

I’m thinking the devices had to be tampered with at the manufacturer… maybe… heck I really don’t have a clue.
Due to fear of exploding electronic devices the terrorists met up in person today which was perfect timing for Israel to bomb them. Plan worked like a charm!
Ok so what they did was form 3 shell companies in Europe run by Mossad. 2 companies hid them and 1 was in Hungary. That company consisted of a single person where they money laundered and made the pagers. They used the logo and design of a Taiwan based company that they usually purchased the brand.

So the company in Hungary got the parts made and then sent to Israel where they assembled them as bombs. They did contain explosives. Then they intercepted a shipment going to Lebanon by boat and replaced the real products for the ones with bombs.

The devices went on open market and not just to hezbollah as they’d like you to think. Only 3 hezbollah died, a child 9 or 10 yrs of age and 15 other civilians. Hundreds injured with estimated 2/3 were civilians.

Mobile phone shops blew up and other stores. UN officials calling for investigation as it’s a clear war crime. A terrorist act.

US had advanced knowledge of it. The American university had their staff turn in their devices a couple weeks before and they issues clean devices.

On the ground people in Lebanon want to go to war. More people want to join Hezbollah. Investigations into the criminal EU activity from Israel will most likely start soon.

The Taiwan company said they never approved their brand for this and filing a lawsuit now against Israel. Middle eastern companies refusing to use anything made outside of china now.

Normal day to day devices are safe however they did find iphones blowing up the following day in stores so they suspect more devices were tempered with
One of the ironic things i was told by someone who attended the American university there was that many terrorists families are there. And the University and those that work there all know it and help them.

No matter how they spin it, it’s a war crime to modify civilian devices like this. But the acceptance of it from US and a few other countries now give the terrorists the ideas to use the same acceptable tactics in other countries. The very first terrorist attack in middle east was committed by Israel on the king David hotel. So it makes sense they’ll still commit terrorist acts. The acceptance of them doing it posses a problem. Russia and China are both speaking out against this as how it’s acceptable to the west when they commit terrorism.
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All that can happen is force an overload on the battery which will burn you at most when it pops unless you’re holding it next to your face. You’ll feel the heat rise tho so no one would be doing that. They would have to install a malware either in software or hardware to make this happen. However many products are made in Israel for manufacturing. And :100:we have hardware in US electronics that were made in Israel. Intel and AMD both have factories there.