Embarrassing but I need to ask alternative ED treatments?

I’m on anxiety meds and it really killed my sex drive I ended up ordering baracuda by mts nutrition and it was legit a life changer for me just 1 scoop in the am it cleared my mind and boosted my libido through the roof and just put me in a really good mood I swear It works better than cialis lol only shitty part is you have to cycle it so 1 month on and 1 Month off when I came off of it my sex drive crashed again but for a natural over the counter test booster it really amazed me
Sorry for what you’re going through bud. It’s a tough situation with any dude. I’ve been skimming through the the thread and I don’t think this was asked yet or if it was I missed it.

But are you still getting morning erections like when you wake up?

Point being when it comes to arousal and erections there’s a physiological and a psychological component. If you’re still getting morning wood when you get up (no pun intended), I’d be more inclined to think it’s more on the psychological side. Which wouldn’t be too surprising given your psych history.

Like @NeuroRN also mentioned it could also be your BP meds. If you’re on a beta blocker (like propranolol or anything that ends with -olol) that’s a notorious culprit. Same with any SSRI’s. Heck even antihistamines can do it too.

I personally don’t think there’s any shame with taking a little cialis here and there. But I’m also hearing your desire to not be on meds. Tough balance but I’m hopeful that it works out.
I believe that also but god forbid if it doesn’t im going to freak out im to young not to be having sex. I hate the pills so I hope you’re right I believe that your right.
No desire no blood flow im not numb but Dead is the word. Its been like this since I stopped the medication.
I had stopped testosterone way before I stopped the medication that’s why I believe that it was the medication.
I’ve been using viagra it works but orgasim not there I can cum but no orgasim even on viagra.
I have been off long enough that I don’t have any nandrolone left in my system but that would have been my goto but blood work shows no p2 or e2 problems.
It happened as soon as I dropped the medication and that was months ago. I’ve been off all compounds for almost a year and a half now.

Im always interested in all information brother
Thank you
Does it say the ingredients on the label or is it a secret blend as they do with dietary supplements?

If they report everything in it I would be interested I will Google it Thanks brother
futureICUdoc said:
But are you still getting morning erections like when you wake up?

I don’t believe that the pills are shameful I just don’t like using them there a pain in the ass sometimes you know lol sometimes you just want to pop off and I gotta take a pill then wait.
It sucks I would need to possibly use cialis ed.

BP meds maybe over time have possibly caught up with me

Thanks brother
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I take cialis m-w-f (my gym days) in the early am like 5-6 am and it pretty much lasts throughout the week.
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Everything is labeled I’ve taken many natural test boosters and this is by far the best natural test booster I have ever taken the effect on the mood it gives you is amazing it just makes you feel really calm and happy all the time only thing that sucks is you have to cycle it I wish I could just stay on it lol starting it back up again next week
Testosurge is them hiding ingredients. It worries me also that its cycle on and off. I haven’t seen that unless it contains something that can hurt you like the pro and pre hormones of the past.
You know im sure im very distrustful of dietary supplements.

This is the warning when you look up testosurge ingredient fenugreek

Fenugreek is not approved or recommended for clinical use by any governmental health agency.

That worries me I will try to find out why this leaf is not reccomended. Could just be pharma pushing away natural help but I have to look into the studies on this ingredient.

Thanks brother
Only thing I read is it not approve by FDA is because they have not “looked” into the claims. But sides were not noted. Let me look on my app to see if it has been updated lately. Give me a couple min.
My opinion definitely the SSRI. Talk to the doc and see what they say. That stuff is notorious for crushing sex drive and what you describe is that to a T
The most pronounced activity of fenugreek seed ex-tract seems to be a strong hypoglycemic effect. Clinical research suggests that it lowers blood sugar through several distinct mechanisms. For one, the seed extract contains high levels of an amino acid called 4-hydroxyisoleucine. This amino acid helps
stimulate the release of insulin from the pancreas in response to serum glucose (blood sugar). Fenugreek also seems to increase the number of insulin re-ceptors in various tissues, increasing hormone sensitivity. It also appears to inhibit intestinal en-zymes involved in the breakdown of sugars andstarch. Together, these factors may allow this ex-tract to be an effective supportive treatment in type-2 diabetic patients, helping to regulate both resting glucose levels and the insulin response after meals.

Fenugreek also appears to exhibit a measurable anti-hyperlipidemic effect, which means that it might improve lipids in patients suffering from high cholesterol. It has specifically been shown in studies to lower total and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, an activity that should create an environment more favorable(less atherogenic) for the cardiovascular system. This biological activity may be due in part to other compo-
nents of Fenugreek seeds called sapogenins, which are known to increase the excretion of cholesterol in the bile. Fenugreek’s cholesterol lowering effect may also be due in part to another compound called disogenin, which has some estrogenic activity.
Some components of the fenugreek seed have also been shown to stimulate the release of growth hormone in rats. Additional human studies are necessary to determine if fenugreek seed extract can improve human
exercise performance.
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