SB Labs

End of first cycle update

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Well-known member
What’s up gents just wanted to update on how my cycle has been. As you may or may not know, I decided to be sponsored by @Optumpharma. As I’ve mentioned previously, he’s been nothing but amazing and helpful. I decided to go on a 500mg Test cycle for 16 weeks, using anavar 50mg for the first weeks 6 weeks, and because of previous teenage gyno I also did arimidex E3.5D.

So my experience with my first cycle was pretty great tbh. I had been out of the gym for nearly 3 years, because of med school, and now that I am finishing up I decided this would be the year that I would get back in shape. I primarily did powerlifting workouts and didn’t track my macros as well as I could, but I kept my calorie count at about my TDEE making sure to get adequate protein. In hindsight, I should have been more disciplined with diet as per everyone’s suggestion, but stress and school always makes it difficult. With that being said my goal was more or less primarily to get my strength levels back to near my peak and secondary was to body recomp. So after my cycle here were my results.

Neck 16.5in
Waist 37in
Chest 42in
Weight 228lbs

155 for 10reps
205 for 6
265 for 10

Post Cycle
Neck 17in
Waist 35in
Chest 46in
Weight 223lbs

275 for 4reps
315 for 4
355 for 3

Thoughts on cycle, being a medical student exhaustion and lack of sleep is always an issue, especially with having to work in the hospital as early fourth year. So, it was tough to assess whether or not energy levels were adequate. Confidence was up. Strengths levels also up as you can tell by pre and post numbers. Sex drive also up lol, but I’ve always used sex as a means of relaxation and stress relief, but it was definitely noticeable. Gym time was great. Each day in the gym was a new PR, which was awesome, since I was on a linear progression powerlifting program. Workouts got difficult more due to the sheer volume of the program I chose, but nothing felt better than adding lbs to the bar each work out.

Also, I didn’t notice much change to my overall weight, but it was beginning to get noticeable around mid cycle but everything felt bigger and harder. I’m confident that if I had been more mindful of diet I would have easily gotten a better recomp.

Overall, I loved it. Definitely moving into PCT, which I’m not terribly looking forward to but I need to know how it works so get it done. Also, thinking about moving into focusing on cardio while transitioning to an easier/lower volume workout to maintain strength.

Thanks always gents and I’ll definitely be creeping the board constantly for help and advice.
How did the Adex work on your gyno? Did you see good results?
TBU I actually had corrective surgery, which was less than optimal results, prior to starting. Throughout cycle the arimidex appeared to keep everything in check though. I didn’t have any noticeable symptoms of gyno or gyno coming back. But I mostly took the arimidex as a prophylactic measure.
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