SB Labs

F#@$ COVID 19! STAY Safe My Friends

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Well-known member
Got a case of covid !! :disappointed:noticed when I was at work climbing about 100 ft up and started having serve chest pain and abnormal heart beat went to ER had bloods drawn said I’m completely healthy but they didnt check me for covid 19 because they said the xray of my lungs had no sign of covid. Got released from there and bam same chest pains and hard to breath appetite has went to shit and can barely even do my daily routine. Got a test done two weeks ago and it came back positive I dont wish this on anyone went from being healthy working out at gym 4-5 days a week to boom feeling like dying. Sucks but I was suppose to start my test Monday not now I’m guessing it’s a good idea to wait even though I have everything in place. Stay safe everyone !
I hope you get well boss being up that have would have gave me an irregular heartbeat on the first place what kinda mess they give you do you u e a pulse oxygen tester?
Damn I am sorry to hear you got the shit end of the stick with the rona. Me and my brother both got it recently and a few of my friends and it wasn’t shit. Only symptom we had was a loss of taste and smell for a week and a half. It was a week and a half of downing hard liquor without having to mix and not gagging. Great week. I would take it again for that reason alone but it would also get my away from work too for a few weeks. Wish I knew someone who had it so they could infect me with it lol
I tested positive for the rona had it a few weeks. It was great. Was able to eat all my chicken and vegetables without tasting it. Was even whipping up canned veggies at work lol
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