Feb 10th edition diets n training

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Hitting arms. Then gonna have some chicken and rice. Got doctors appointment at 11 for my titty issue lol googled it and think it might be a small rupture. Idk :man_shrugging:t3:🤣 I got more pains and aches then I know what to do with lol
Xpliot said:
I got more pains and aches then I know what to do with
It don’t get any better unfortunately.

Please address these with doc and any changes you need to make. You’re way too young to be hurting all the time. All aging does is multiply/magnify everything.
I have been! You know I listen to you @Poppy! I got those injections in my elbows last week and it helped a lot. No more pain. And I’m set up for an mri on my shoulders the 22nd. And now I’m going in an hour to have them lev at this pec issue lol this guys gonna think I’m a mess 🤣
Make changes as necessary. Taking it easy for a few months and working around injuries is the good thing to do. It ain’t the end of the world to throttle back for a bit.
I like to run low dose of deca or NPP for keeping joints lubricated even on TRT. Just lower test a little bit and add in the other stuff. Helps me a lot. Problem is it can mask underlying issues so you have to know your limitations or you could end up causing more damage.
Yeah I’m still learning everything lol this was my second cycle and I was gonna bulk and used anadrol the first two weeks but I could feel my heart racing and beating and it didn’t feel right so I just switched up and started cutting cause my family planned a vacation coming up anyways. But I’ll have to look into the deca and npp tho. Is that okay to run while just on trt??
This is a study from Columbia university. It talks about the therapeutic properties of nandrolone. It also discusses the increased potential of damage via muscles getting stronger then the soft tissue.

There are TRT clinics that prescribe both test and deca. There are a few other guys that run this for TRT including I think @NeuroRN

Laboratory for Intelligent Imaging and Neural Computing

How does Nandrolone Decanoate help joints and ligaments?​

January 15, 2019

For many years now, Nandrolon has been used by law enforcement athletes to improve the performance of joints and tendons when working with large scales. It is believed that the substance can increase the amount of synovial fluid in the joints, which improves their performance, acting as a so-called lubricant. There are many articles about the therapeutic properties of nandrolone, each description of the drug emphasizes its ability to relieve pain and inflammation, reduce the risk of injury when working even with super heavy scales. And indeed, the recommendations are justified, athletes suffering from joint pains, really feel relief, the pain goes away.


Against the background of such articles, many stores provide incorrect information to increase the possibility of selling AAS on their resource. You can buy anabolic online in our online shop of steroids, we provide only the right information!

Is it true? Is nandrolone useful for connective tissue, or is it just a speculation?​

Is nandrolone useful for connective tissue, or is it just a speculation? Without a doubt, the productivity of synovial fluid in the joints, significantly increases with the reception of this famous anabolic steroid. There is a synovial joint shell that produces a slightly yellowish, transparent liquid. This fluid serves as an additional cushioning for the joint, a kind of lubricant that prevents friction between the cartilage, wear and other possible outcomes of the lack of this component of connective tissue. With a normal level of intra-articular lubrication, the joints’ performance is really increased, maximum mobility is achieved, etc.
But alas, this is the end of the useful properties of nandrolone in relation to the joints, in addition, there is clear evidence that the use of nanodrolone decanoate, only increases the risk of serious tendon injuries, in the flesh before rupture or fracture.
Relatively recently, scientists from the Brazilian University, publish an article in the “Scandinavian Journal of Sports Science and Medicine” that the results of their research on Achilles tendons, completely refute the positive effect on connective tissue, namely ligaments and tendons. In the laboratory of the University was carried out an experiment on rats, which eventually led scientists to the following conclusion: The intake of decanoate nandrolone under physical exertion does not increase the concentration of oxyproline, an amino acid, which is produced from proline but with a modified chemical structure. The human body contains oxyproline only as an ingredient of collagen protein, which makes up the connective cell. That is, taking anabolic Kiev, there are no prerequisites for the strengthening of connective tissue.


Nandrolon Decanoate is not able to thicken ligamentsand tendons, but actively builds muscle mass and, accordingly, strength, which leads to greater stress on joints and ligaments during heavy training, ultimately causing injury. Anabolics are hormonal substances, the purpose of which is to accelerate anabolic processes in the body, that is, the formation and structure of the configuration of muscle tissues, cells and various types of protein structures.

In conclusion, we strongly recommend to reduce working weights when taking anabolic steroids. And also [to buy nandrolone only in authorized]. Objective evidence that sports anabolics increase traumatism allows us to make a reasonable judgment as to whether AAS should be used for the development of strength at all, or better inclined to more traditional drugs, such as creatine, with less pronounced side effects.
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Breakfast four whole eggs three pieces polish ham an English muffin coffee some crushed up milk cake stuff and two Benadryl. Gonna try and get a couple hours more sleep in and hopefully have time to do back today. And triceps.
Great. I’ll run 200 test and 150 deca per week. It works for me for TRT. Gotta find the spot that works well for you. Try lower on the deca like maybe 100 it’s a very long half life so I’d say after a month if you don’t see the changes you’d like up it to 150. Others may have different advice on it.
Lunch Tuna fish, English muffins n mozz,lite on the mayo,only added pepper n celery to tuna
I edited out a small section @Rusty in that write up their advertising for a source online,can’t have that.
Negative. I’m the one always saying don’t take nandrolone for joint pain. It’s not fixing anything. It’s only masking the problem. I’m also against the long term use of 19nors.
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