February 19nor edition of diets and bodybuilding

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Staff member
Good afternoon noon all.im on hour 76 of quarantine,haven’t been outta my room at all.One of my buddies went to Walmart for me to get some food,I got saltines, nonfrosted honey buns, cranberry juice,mike n Ike’s,baby wipes magazines,he’s also getting me McDonald’s cause I don’t give a fuck about my diet at the moment.I can’t even jerkoff cause my dick don’t work thanks to Paxil.I started the Jeffrey Dahmer series,but he’s a fuckin freak show cock sucker,and it’s a bit to weird and homo for me.I had my door halfway open with my mask on talking to my neighbor across the hallway yesterday and one of the guys walked by and I said hi,he didn’t answer,so I said what you can’t say hi back cause I’m sick,he replies,your fuckin door should be shut, I said well come on over and shut it bigshot,don’t be scared of COVID now you wanna run your suck,then the nurses came and made me shut.Fuck this
We watched that dahmer series. It was very disturbing.

I read a book and watched the show mind hunters. Interesting and extremely disturbing human behavior.

I don’t know from a purely scientific point of view but I swear human beings have got to be the most effd up animals on this rock.
Yup,join the club…I actually bought two nerf guns from amazon,1 pistol and a automatic.gonna set up a shooting range,and practice clearing room,I have a bathroom and a adjoining room. So I can get some good practice in on techniques. It’s how I taught my wife and kid to clear rooms was with nerf guns.
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That sucks bro. How long you gotta be in quarantine for?

Today leftover meat from yesterday and some veggies and dip. Have some serious DOMS from chest yesterday. Been a while since I’ve seriously worked out. My oldest son and friend (body builder type) were all working out together before my party and of course it’s ego time and when we were taking turns on the peck deck the weight kept going up and up. Finally my freind said my son was making the weight I had on look easy so I was like fuck you both did the whole stack for my last set to shut them both up. Now am suffering the consequences of my ego. And yes my shoulder is doing much better. And yes I warmed it up for about fifteen minutes with bands before doing heavy weight.
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