SB Labs

February 21st issue of diets and training

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Staff member
Military Vet
Good afternoon all.Didnt breakfast.Lunch was leftover,cold,pizza and a salad, cranberry juice.Did a lot of push ups and jumping jacks.Guess what @Rusty one of the nurses who happens to from the Philippines is making me bok choi,philipino egg rolls,and another side I forget what she called it.And for all that,I am grateful.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
1st meal was 4 scrambled eggs, cup of fried potatoes, and 2 pieces of sausage. 2nd meal was 2 pancakes with peanut butter whey addedd and 2 pieces of sausage. Lunch was 2 packs of tuna and roll of Ritz crackers. 4th meal was P3 and chocolate milk. Lower strength training this evening.
I’ve had two meals all day at least thisndepression I should lose
Weight instead of gain. I just really don’t care about anything currently training I have my trip back home and I feel like canceling it because I usually get depressed after but if I’m already there will it get worse
Yeah buts it’s the first I’ve thought of not wanting to live instead of indifferent to living. I don’t think all the nagging injuries doing light weights is helping my wanting to even go in if I hurt my knee on the secind rep of warm ups what the point
@John their egg rolls are called lumpia. The other side was most likely pancit. Kinda like a semi fried noodle. Probably the most famous of all Filipino dishes. I love both of them. You are a lucky guy. Where in Philippines is she from. My wife is from the Davao area.
It’s tough to get scheduled and. About 4 grand for treatment I. Would have to miss work and find a
Driver. I’m looking into doing the. Oral ketamine from online orovider. Cheaper but also less effective. Just got told my sister tried to
Commit suicide again Friday. I mentioned is having bad genetics and
My. Dad just said maybe from from moms. Side. So. I may pack my shit. Up and move tonight that put me
Off. For a man who left. His kids for another family to put all. The blame. On the person. Who. Was at least there juat pisses me off
Yes your definitely in a shit spot 4 sure no denying that.
Youve been in them b4

Youve got out 2


Go clear your head for an hour or 3 drive around

Its ok to take a pill for your mental health man hell my family’s covered up w it its just luck.

It is a bitch right now though but you will out last it
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