February 2nd edition of diets and training

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Staff member
Good morning all.Breakfast was protein shake blended with strawberrys,oatmeal,2 raw eggs.No gym today.I am grateful for soft toilet paper and other simple things in my life.Hope everyone has a smooth and productive day.
Samo grub

Still raining/drizzling here. Not good weather.

Probably no training again. Starting to feel good so I might just wait till the weekend.
Rest up @Poppy . Tomorrow is another day.
Did bis, tris, forearms and calfs. Had French toast and egg whites for breakfast. Probably a bagel and some eggs in a few. Protein shake and a banana. Not sure after… maybe tuna
Scrambled eggs, fried potatoes, and sausage for breakfast. Had a quart of chocolate milk after. Chicken breast, mac and cheese, and Hawaiian sweet rolls for lunch. Back and shoulders tonight. I prefer baby wipes/wet wipes myself. Today I am thankful for Anadrol that I will be starting tonight. Haven’t ran any orals in a while other than the Superman’s and Cialis.
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