FedEx Emails me about incoming shipment "Direct Signature Required"?

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New member
I have a domestic shipment according to a FedEX email I got today and it says a “Direct Signature is Required”. I wondered if this is the norm for all packages sent by FedEx (even if they are Not International??)

Or is this a redflag and I should just place it on hold and not pick it up? I believe I can select leave at front door, but I’m not sure if that will override and ignore the “Direct Signature Requirement”

I believe this requirement is set by the shipper FYI

Appreciate any advice!


Just heard back from my source, hasn’t shipped yet and doesn’t use FedEX. I’m guessing either a roommate’s package or a scam. Apologies for getting jumpy about this. I had an international shipment of Nolva this summer that for whatever reason required signature and I had to pick up in person at the post office. I got the stuff no problems in the end, but that was prob one of the most nervous moments of my life.
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Was it done by a verified sponsor on here?

We don’t have srcs at ugmuscle we have sponsors. @n3rd
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Are you sure that its not a scam email because if you clicked the link you could have malware on your device they use shipping companies around the holidays because they assume everyone is waiting on a package and most people than just click on the hyperlink.
You should go onto FedEx website and type in your information and see if you really have a package coming never click on a hyperlink that is in an email unless you definitely know that its legitimate.

Be safe brother
Im actually curious if it was a scam email ive been seeing alot of them lately and that’s basically what they say is something about your package and then have a hyperlink.
Who knows it might be legitimate.
I have never had to sign UPS, FED EX or USPS. In my experience, you should still have a “tracking” number regardless. I had a package delivered FED EX overnight less than a year ago and had a signature waived. I believe if it has a certain amount of insurance, then UPS,FED EX, ETC requires a signature. My overnight was not related to the size of my Biceps so I wasnt concerned either way.Yours doesn’t sound right.
Hmmm I’m really pondering that one sentence about overnights and biceps
I read it to my wife and she seems to agree with you, So there’s that.
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