Just wanted to see what everyone says is there feel good compound. The PED that provides you a sense of well being . I think I would have to put Masteron at the top followed closely by Dbol. So what do you guys like?
I’d have to agree with you, felt pretty good with Mast and always feel good with dbol. Masteron is one of those compounds that make you want to include it in every cycle lol. I would add Anavar to that list as well.
Yeah man, those pumps are incredible. I remember my most recent run with var, I would do 1 set of curls and my biceps were ready to pop . It was annoying but awesome at the samd time.
Im sure alot people will disagree with me, but I want to mention Tren also. At the right dose Tren will give me a godly feeling almost like I’m unstoppable and zero sides.
I hear that primo is very good feeling compound. I never got around to running it, probably cause of cost, but I think here in the very near future I will incorporate it.
I likely would have never run Primo but I won a crazy ass contest last year for 1k worth of gear from PCom and I filled the order with Alpha Pharma Primo then bought a few more from Gear Church and now I’m on a long ass run of Primo.
Back when I was younger. I loved ABOMBS. I felt like I could run through brick walls. And Deca. It’s not my fave for mass but my joint health and well being were always on point. And believe it or not Winstrol. Test/Winstrol and a little joint maintenance Deca. Always felt good on that.
Aww man Adrol. I have such a love hate relationship with Adrol. I have an excellent response to Adrol especially at lower bf%. But man after 4 weeks of 100mg ED I start feeling like shit. Appetite is in the basement and lethargy is a bitch.
I did a sponsored log for Gear Church on another board and I’ve been almost strictly using them since September or October last year. They have been great.
I never went past 21 days after a 6 week attempt. Of ABOMBS. I just used it for that first three weeks at the beginning of a cycle just till the injectables kicked in. But it’s almost immediately hits me. Why I love them so much. But. I’m an old man now. My BP hates ABOMBS.
Mast p always gives me a sense of wll being that’s hard to beat…Mast e was more aggressive for me… Not a bd thing. Primo high dose feels good, as does provi, anything over 50 mg/day
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