SB Labs

Female Anavar Dosing Question


Well-known member
I got some Anavar for a female friend that is dosed at 10mg per capsule. I didn’t pay attention when buying it and assumed it would be in tablet form that she could easily split with a pill cutter. She’s never done anything before so 10mg per day seems too high. I was thinking she could pop off the capsule and pour half of the powder out and take the rest of the capsule the next day etc, or I could get some empty

capsules and try to even out half of the powder into new capsules. Neither option seems too precise, any other ideas or thoughts?
Capsules have fillers so it’s impossible to cut the oxandrolone in half. Have her take the full 10mg once daily. I had my female training clients on 10mg twice a day. 10mg is a good female dose.
Tell her to take taurine and magnesium. Anavar is notorious for calf, hamstring, and adductor cramping.
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