SB Labs

JJ’s FLASH LABS LOG - Getting better with age!

LEG WORKOUT #2 of the week:

(6 sets each)
  • sumo squats
  • regular squats
  • deadlifts
  • stiff legged deadlifts
  • standing calf raises
SUPERSET with Monkey Feet:
(3 sets each)
  • standing one legged leg curls
  • single legged leg extensions
  • 20 minutes on the bike at level 14.
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Today was my 8th workout in 9 days. It was very difficult. My energy was way down. I pushed through everything I had planned so I’m pleased.

  • 4 sets of push-ups with hands on sliders pushing my hands together on the way up simulating a press and fly.
  • 4 sets one arm barbell rows
  • 4 sets lateral dumbbell raises
  • 4 sets alternating dumbbell curls
  • 4 sets dumbbell kickbacks
I’m supposed to take today off but I’m not sure if my crazy cat brain will let me.
Hi everyone! I hope you all are doing well. Sorry I’ve been M.I.A.
My mom recently died and my grandma will die any day so I’ve been dealing with a lot of family stress.
But, I never miss a workout and am very strict on food. I’ve actually lowered calories to only 3 to 4 protein shakes and one meal of egg whites or chicken/turkey breast with steamed rice.
I dropped my gear dose to only 350mg test prop and HGH for awhile but I’m traveling between states to see my grandma a lot so I just bring orals (tbol and winstrol) with me.
When I’m home I upped my HGH to 10ius but none when out of state. I dropped body weight to only 186Lbs but I love the look. I look like Rambo III. I feel healthier than ever at this weight!
I can’t wait until Flash comes back so I can get more gear. I’m running out.
I’ll probably have to use long acting test I have laying around here for a few weeks which sucks because I much prefer test prop over enan or cyp.
Today, I trained legs and rode the bike. Nothing like legs to remind me how old I am. I’ll be a senior citizen in a few weeks. I’m amazed I made it this far. God has been very generous with me, and forgiving of my crazy high dose years(decade really).