SB Labs

Finally back on UGMuscle

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Lots of people do actually we had a pl lifter that was on team usa supposedly that posted here for minute that was on all year. Lots of the guys in the mid east will do high test or high eq all year round
Second what Dirt Said, it’s been reported that the Dubai boys and most of the Middle East run it all year.
Welcome back I actually had a nose bleed problem myself. High blood pressure all of the above. I backed off of everything. I’m back on my first cycle after a year trying a totally different strategy than before. My BP with a healthy diet and no gear solved itself. Maybe I just got lucky.
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Gingerlifter said:
Thats crazy. I ran it for a few weeks and couldn’t handle it. Am i that much of a lightweight? I need to reevaluate my life🤣
I’m super sensitive to everything, only took 6 years to figure it out lol. Running super low doses and it works great for me.
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