These jockeys, its an illusion. 126? They look 150 160, thick , striated. They are all on shit. Oh well, now I see . LOL
If you have a chance to do well, maybe you can make money. No stupid ? S , learn as much but also where your personal line in the sand is. Took awhile to learn a lot of the worse adverse actions are silent. I feel like a grandpa there’s a lot that goes into this plunge. Every time I start up or see changes, it’s hard not to through more on the fire. Slow and steady makes me feel like a hypocrite but its called experience. If you can skip a few mistakes or why a fighter would do things different than a beer or powerlifter or swimmer for that matter.
If you have a chance to do well, maybe you can make money. No stupid ? S , learn as much but also where your personal line in the sand is. Took awhile to learn a lot of the worse adverse actions are silent. I feel like a grandpa there’s a lot that goes into this plunge. Every time I start up or see changes, it’s hard not to through more on the fire. Slow and steady makes me feel like a hypocrite but its called experience. If you can skip a few mistakes or why a fighter would do things different than a beer or powerlifter or swimmer for that matter.