First Cycle! Test E 500mg/week


Active member
I think it’s finally time… have contemplated on hopping on but wanted to get my diet/training in check before doing it, but now I believe I have a solid grasp on training after some time of serious training.

I’m a Manlet (so sad) standing only at 5”6 haha. Current weight is 140 lbs on the dot. Did the InBody test at Nutrishop (not too sure about accuracy) and was noted at 11.8% BF.

I plan on running Test E 500mg/week for 12 weeks, then PCT. will have Aromasin/Nolvadex on hand.







Current lifts are @ 140 lbs BW:

Squat: 285 lbs 5x5
Bench: 205 lbs 5x5
Deadlift: 365 lbs 5x5
Pull ups: 45 lbs strapped on 3x8
Dips: 90 lbs strapped on 3x8-12

Super excited to start the journey! Will be getting blood work done soon and posting it here.

Forgot to add my age!
25 years old (turning 26 this June)
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Haha I agree. If you check my post I was so damn close to starting my first cycle 2 years ago… only thing that stopped me was that I was gonna travel to another country with my family and my PCT was gonna be while I was in the Philippines… didn’t want to smuggle drugs across the country haha.
You look big for 140lbs, but you’re defiantly not 11% body fat. I would guess closer to 15%. I am jealous you’re arms look bigger than mine and I have 60lbs on you at the same height. I look forward to following your progress and good luck and stay healthy.
I would agree wi this assessment I typically cappy don’t care about bf% I’ll worry abs t hat when ever it’s time to work towards stepping on stage
I agree! There’s no way I was 11% BF but shit it’s good to dream hahaha. And as far as the arms go… I think it’s just the angle haha. I do agree though, people are always shocked when I say I’m 140 lbs… could be that XXTRA small shirts that I pick up from baby gap 🤣
CantStopWontStop said:
I’m a Manlet (so sad) standing only at 5”6 haha. Current weight is 140 lbs on the dot. Did the InBody test at Nutrishop (not too sure about accuracy) and was noted at 11.8% BF.
Nothing wrong with your size brother especially when your working on getting bigger. Put in the work have a strong diet and you will grow.

I look forward to following your journey you should keep a log with ugmuscle. Keep us updated on your progress. You definitely have my attention because you can put on so much lean mass you will look huge.

I used to have a buddy that was 5’6 and he was a boxer big guys would talk shit to him he would always say the same thing I might be short but I have the heart of a giant and the balls to match.
He would then go into fucking these guys up lol

Go and hit the gym with the same attitude and eat the right foods.
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Looking good brother. Congrats on taking the plunge and looking forward to seeing your growth and progress.

Also, nice poly tats my man. Gotta couple myself tapped awhile ago.
Quick Introduction and Some Info Introductions
Hey everyone, just doing a quick little intro to get things rolling. I’m fairly young, 25 years old. Been training for about 5 years or so. Stats are “5’6 (manlet checking in
) 160 lbs standing at 12% BF. After doing some research for the past year a half I believe I’m ready to start my first cycle and have ordered from Iron Junkies recently as I’ve heard soooo many good things about them and their customer service is A1. Going to run the basic 500 mg of Test E per week for 10, 12 o…
One problem brother I don’t like liars unfortunately I despise people who lie.
You said you were 25 2 years ago ???

I should ban you for all I know you could be 16yrs old
WTF am I supposed to do how can I help you if you started off lying

Good luck and good gains don’t ask me anything unless you want to start being honest
One of the strongest dudes I’ve known personally was a a buddy in the Marines. He was 5-5…5-6. He was thick and would warm up to sets of 315 on the bench. Seen him put 405 up for a few just for the heck of it. He was straight from the streets east LA.

“Its the size of the shadow you throw that counts for your size”.
That post was a lie, I was young and I know how frowned upon young people pinning are in this forums… but if you check my big post titled “questions about first cycle” I mentioned my REAL age at 23 years old!


On the real though, I’m 25 now and turning 26 this June… can post my license if needed haha. Nothing but the truth from here on out!
Your real age would help. I personally don’t care if your 18 or 20 however, starting gear at that age is nuts in my opinion. If you’re under 25 guys are going to advise you to wait till you are a little older. But if your hell-bent on starting gear at 20 or 21 people will at least be able to give you honest input on the risk and help you mitigate the risk. If you are an adult it’s your body do what you want but know the risk.
We’re not like other forums you might have been warned that you might want to wait and given the reasons why but we would never have pushed you away at ugmuscle.
We’re here and dedicated to Harm Reduction I can’t stop you so im going to atleast try and make sure you don’t die.
I mean that very seriously were hear to help but we can’t help unless you’re straight up with us im glad that you’re being real now and just remember moving forward be honest brother.
I flagged what you posted and flagged it I understand why you did it but that’s a huge security risk for you and were also big on safety and security lol
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