SB Labs

First Time Running Tren

If you decide to pin ED you’re going to want more sites to hit. There is a site that shows basically everywhere with pictures but the same rules follow. Try not to stick nerves, veins, blood vessels or lymph nodes. Aspirate. Pin. Some sites are worse than others.

Shit I actually forgot 2 more sites that i pin but haven’t pinned in awhile lol. PECS! I love pec sites they are easy and you get used to them quick. I’ll try to find the website for you bro
All aboard the Tren Train 🚂 choo choo! @SwoleOfficer your gonna love it man! Some advice I can give you is all the shit you hear about these God awful sides, we’ll put that in your pocket, lotta of it is mental, more or less placebo sides. I’ve been on and off tren for over 10 years now and the only thing I ever noticed is a little night sweats but I think that also has to do with all the damn carbs I eat lol. Stick with Ace and pin ED and your good to go brotha, Anyways man welcome to ugm, if you ever have any questions man just hit me up
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Yea you should be good bro, worst case scenario if you feel anxiety or any other of the sides supposedly on Tren then switch it up to ED, also you ain’t running crazy doses so you should be golden, anything higher then 500 then I would strongly recommend ED, have some caber or prami on hand as well
Best advice I can give you for the cough, because it’s almost inevitable, is to not freak out. Stay calm, try to breath the best you can and make sure you’re sitting down. I picked up a little tip from someone on the board here and I keep a bottle of 90% alcohol next to me when I pin. If i get the cough I breath in over the alcohol bottle a couple of times and it helps to calm down the cough.

*Disclaimer… I don’t mean to huff the alcohol like you’re some kind of junkie lol. I mean just smell it a couple of times.
Just trained for the first time about an hour or two after my first pin. I know it’s not doing much now but I got the craziest pump. Veins popping more than usual lol idk could just be in my head
Lmao… I was about to hit the reply on that post then thought man, I don’t want people saying “yeah Berserker over at UGM said to huff alcohol to stop tren cough” lmao. You know someone would have tried it