SB Labs

First Time Running Tren

I mean everyone is different bro. For me sometimes after pin I might get a itchy scalp or a raise in body temperature, but that’s not every time I pin Tren. Sometimes I’ll get a mild barely noticeable cough, sometimes I feel like I’m gonna cough my insides out, and sometimes nothing. Just pin and forget about it bro. Are you questioning your tren and sponsor cause you really can’t go of sides to determine its validaty.
Hey bro take a step back for a minute and really try to process what I’m about to say.

I am super OCD and really fuckin anal about literally everything I do. I’m a planner and I want to know everything about everything. I don’t care how small or big I want to know every little piece of information I can get my hands on. That said, you will find a lot of shit about Tren and the sides. Yes, one is sure as shit going to be there. That’s sweating. Tren is lypolytic and had thermogenic effects on the body so you will sweat. To what degree is a personal response. For me I sweat pretty much day and night. The more carbs i eat, the worse my sweats are.

Now that I’ve said that, here’s my thing. The first few times I ran Tren I pretty much got every side ever talked about it read about and had to drop it after just a couple of weeks. Fast forward and I started talking to guys that basically use AAS off of feel and have had decades of experience with Tren and they only really experienced the sweating and maybe some shortness in temper occasionally. I had to reassess and determined that the majority of what I experienced was mental and that I was causing the sides because I expected them to be there. They physically manifested from my own brain to my body due to placebo effect and being so sure I would experience those things. I did a mental dump on everything I thought I knew and just started pinning the Tren and going on about my day. Not really even concerning myself that I was using Tren in the first place. I just ran it for 16 weeks straight and only experienced sweating and one little temper outburst where I went Office Space on a printer.

So take that info, dump what you think you might know, stop expecting anything but gains and enjoy your new size and loss of body fat lol
I’m not gonna name the sponsor but I’ve been getting there test e and dbol and it’s worked great. Never taken tren, wondering if it’s as good of quality as the test and dbol. I don’t know what to expect, how quick to expect it. You know what I mean?
If it didn’t exist you could just ask me lol. I’ve done pictures and even videos for people before. There almost isn’t anywhere that I haven’t pinned. Well except Traps, Biceps and Triceps. Each one I’ve gotten the pin in but decided against the plunge.
Hey I got one more question for you, like I said earlier when I was on test and dbol I blew up from 215 to like 275. Arms went up 1.5 inches. Waist went up an inch tho. Maybe inch and a half. Chest went from 45 to 50. So everything was working great. Doing a bodybuilding and strongman split. You think I could just keep my diet the same just throw in a little more cardio? My goal is to stay around 260-270 but look a little more aestheticly pleasing. I’m big as fuck now, not too much fat but a little. I’m around 16% body fat. Waist is 36inch.
At your size, I wouldn’t concern myself with what’s on the scale. I would use this time as a cut. Alter your nutrition for the cut and utilize volume training and cardio. Drop your body fat down to under 10% and you’ll still look like you weigh 260 but you’ll be lighter.

I’m nowhere near the 250+ shit I’m barely close to the 200 bench mark. At 185 I’m often mistaken as being 15 to 20 pounds heavier. Just as a comparison, I have a 47" chest, 16.5" arms with a 33" waist so I look like I weigh a lot more than I actually do.

As a side note, your waist measurement is the point above your navel but below your rib cage so about 2" above the naval. Not your pant size. I don’t know if you knew that or not
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Oh okay well my waist is actually 37.5 then lol. Arms are 19. Yeah I think I need to just focus on my diet more than cardio. 275 at 6 feet and 15% body fat isnt impressive at all. I just look big and strong as fuck. Wanna be just a little leaner. I would be happy at 12% bf
What’s your current daily nutrition plan look like?

If you got the loot, @PHD offers a UGM discount at $150/mo and he can get you dialed in quick. Probably get down to 12% easy on this cycle with his help
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It’s not the best cause I like to eat “shit”
But when I wake up I try to consume about. 6 or 7 whole eggs and a cup of oatmeal. Second meal, is a protein shake. Lunch is some kind of protein whether it be chicken, beef with a carb which is usually broccoli or something. Then I train, after I train I drink another shake of course. Then for dinner pretty much the same as lunch. Overall I eat well, i just eat a fuck ton of it. Like a whole steak and whole bag of broccoli etc.
Shit that’s easy enough. Egg whites, not whole eggs, fat free protein shakes, red meat limited.

Eat all the chicken and broccoli you want lol.

Edited… take out liquid calories and sugars
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