SB Labs

First Time Running Tren



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Hmmm… On there site says ugm verified? IDK haven’t seen that lab unless it’s a international source like steroidify that carries multiple labs
Test and Tren aren’t typically compounds that gets faked too often. The raws are cheap enough and a lab won’t last long trying to fake those. The main ones you gotta look out for are Primo, MENT and Anavar.
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I don’t hear too much about their finished products but I hear they have good raws. For me personally, the only international source I use is Symbiotic for gear.
5th day on, I’ve noticed my muscles are lot more hard and full. Skin has pulled tighter. Waist has tightened up. Before I had a bloat from the high dose test and dbol. It’s tightened up a lot. Used to have a little bit of love handles. Now they are almost gone. Getting a little more vascular during training. Also notices I feel like more of an “alpha” confidence has went up. Test alone made me feel that way but it’s more noticeable now. The only sides I’ve gotten are, I wake up at like 2am, then 4am, then 6am then 8am. Don’t have the sweats. Back, chest acne is coming in pretty good tho. But overall for only 5 days I’m very happy!
Hell yeah man. Give it a few more days and it will be in full swing. I do usually recommend keeping your fats down still and it’s not a bad idea to use a sleep aide if necessary. You could also include some 5HTP for mood enhancement and a little more control if that Alpha mentality gets out of hand and starts to get you into trouble. How’s your diet been lately?
It’s been better than normal, I haven’t eaten any junk. Cut out calories from liquids, just milk and water. Been mostly eating protein with little carbs. I’ve honestly just been having fruit and milk for breakfast, then lunch is tilapia, chicken or beef with rice or broccoli or some kind of pasta. And my dinner had just been pretty much the same as my lunch.