SB Labs

First Time Running Tren

This was the first time I really noticed it. I usually flip a tractor tire a bunch of times really quick for my cardio. But I do notice a little bit of insomnia, and I’m hot all the time.
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I’m getting some sides from tren, like sweats, insomnia, acne. So would I benefit more from 250mgs of test and 250mgs of tren. Or could I drop the tren and bump my test up to 600mgs? I’m still wanting to make good gains, more size. Just can’t handle the sides from the tren
I mean it’s not like horrific, just the insomnia, and acne is what’s getting me. I’m literally awake every hour or two. I might try to ride it out for 3 or 4 more weeks. I have two bottles of test and 1 bottle of tren I haven’t even touched. I do perfectly fine on just test and even dbol in there too
You get used to it after awhile. I basically just learned to live with it. Yea night sweats suck, but it’s just sweat. I’ve had insomnia for many years now, couple Tylenol PM and I’m good. I’ll still wake up on the hour every hour, it is what it is though. Sometimes you gotta pay a price to look a certain way
In all honesty brother your health is the most important thing and if you feel that the tren is hurting more than its helping you are not getting the reward from the risk.
I say listen to your body and if you feel that its not for you then drop it and use what works for you.
I’m doing a real simple cycle right now and liking it.
Proviron 50mg a day
500 test cyp per week
400 EQ per week.
May add in some Tren E later though and who knows, maybe superdrol too.
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I do swear by it, however, it’s high hepatoxcicity.most guys bigger, and smarter then me don’t have nothin to say about it or if they do it’s bad, so uhh don’t do it.
I was just doing adrol for about 4 weeks, now dropping it for proviron. Not sure how good I think adrol though. If superdrol is that toxic, then I’ll probably not take it. depends I guess on how I’m feeling and $$
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Ha ha, well try it, listen to your body, High bp and tiredness are my signs I need to take a break from it.