SB Labs

First Time Running Tren

Oh I love it bro, not getting much leaner but I am getting a lot fucking bigger. People have started commenting on how big I’ve gotten. I was already pretty damn big. Now I’m turning into a monster. My chest is up to 52.5 inches. Waist is at 38. Arms have blown up to 19.25 with no pump. My weight has stayed the same maybe even lost a little. Acne is killing me lol feeling hot all the time as well. A lot more aggressive. Got another bottle on the way lmao
It only gets better haha, I find that I never really gain or lose weight on tren unless I completely push the ceiling with food. I do however remain either around the same weight maybe minus or plus 3-5lbs but look about 20 lbs bigger. I love that shit
Dude I’m only 2 weeks in, if I get much bigger my woman is gonna question me for sure lol. We first got together I was 210. That was 13 months ago. Now I’m fucking 275. I’m surprised she hasn’t said shit yet. But I look 300lbs lol

sorry for the bad picture but it was hard to take it and hold the tape by myself. But my arms are so close to the 20" Mark. Give me two more weeks lmao
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Definitively worth a try.
I’ve read so many many horror stories about sides but the only sides I’ve experienced on tren is pretty extreme sweating and really poor quality sleep. Just make sure you have counter measures ready, never know how your body will respond.
Around the 1 1/2 - 2 week mark the bar really starts moving fast 😄
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