First time with Flash

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Pinnacle training and nutrition/MOD
Staff member
Here’s a little TD post for ya.
Heard a lot of great things about @Flashlabs so put in a small first order.
Smooth transaction and quick turnaround.
I like his blend , makes travel simple. One bottle for the 3 compounds I need.
Excited to try it out
I just pinned my test, tren, mast separately today so I’ll start this Wednesday.
Doing his blend M/WF plus another 300 cyp for a total of
600 cyp
300 tren
300 mast
50 Var from local pharmacy. Flash’s Var is for the wife
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What kind of dosing protocol are you using with the blend? Have been wanting to try the blend but the dosing makes my head spin with the long ester mast and tren….Apprexiate the feedback!
That’s a beautiful thing ! I’m doing pretty much the same mwf but I’ll most likely up my tren to 200 and add in 50 Saturday

375 test
150 tren
420 mast
I was doing 200 tren but wasn’t getting much out of it. Maybe it was crap but came from my buddy that’s in IFBB pro so hard to believe it’s bunk
I’ve only tried tren once before this from a source no longer here . Felt amazing strongest I’ve ever felt. Didn’t run it fully just tested the waters to see how my body responded . Since they say flash products are over dosed I’m staying at the 200 lol
Yeah I’m not very well versed in tren. I used unicorns this summer and got strong as hell in 4 weeks
Right that’s about what I did 3-4 weeks and I was hit 225 for 12 reps . I’m 5’7 and that time I was around 170 lol can’t wait to see how I do this time . I really don’t go for crazy PR’s . I do want to hit those 3 wheels though 😂
If didn’t hate what last did to my beautiful hair I would use again
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