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Amateur question on TBol: @johnjuanb1

Currently running NPP/Test/Mast and in week 6. You and a bunch of others swear by TBol versus others like Adrol etc. for dry gains, vascularity, and strength. Would adding 50/day of Flash TBol be a good addition with this combo??

First time running NPP and I’m having pretty damn good results, but would like a good oral that doesn’t crush me like DBol or Winny.
So far tbol has had no sides for me. Beings I’m older and very wary of all this stuff…i started at 25 pwo…then ~37.5 pwo…now at 50 pwo.

For me it’s strength gains, lots of energy in gym and a real plus… recovery is phenomenal. Almost zero DOMS.

Also I do not have the water retention like I used to get with dbol.
That’s what I was looking for! I like to stay dry, vascular, and more on the lean/ripped side versus the bloated and fuller side of the past. I used to get leg swelling and ankle swelling fairly bad IMO, but would suck it up for the gains. Now I like slower pounds going on, or a good trade of fat for muscle. Goal is to maintain 220-225 at my height of 6’ 2”, but at a lower BF ratio. Just got re-baselined on DEXA scan about 5 weeks ago and I’m sitting a smidge over 14.5%, so goal is to trade about 3-4% BF for muscle weight over next 16+ weeks. This way I can have some breathing room going forward on gaining or losing weight.

So 50/day about 2 hours PWO should keep things clean for a good 6+ week run with it.
I sit at 206ish at 5’9” (and change 5-10 after chiropractor) I’m trying to keep it off for health reasons. Including muscle…sounds dumb but I can’t carry around much more than 210 bw period.

Yes 50mg pwo seems to work just fine. I would probably be at 40mg but I can’t split the tabs but so much. I’ll do this for another month for a total of 8 weeks then take a break for a bit.
This is good to know! And, not stupid if you know your body to manage weight where you want to be. I could probably hold another 10lbs of muscle well at my height, but I’m too cheap to buy new work clothing. 😂