Flash needs a Tren E with Tbol Logger

There are those of us that got rid of toys because we’re not nearly mature enough to own them. There’s a reason i sold my motorcycle some years back.
Ya never grow up. Well thats good. What’s the use of owning something like that if you r not gonna go 140 mph with your hair on fire anyways.
I’ve noticed a huge difference with e compared to ace the sides are so much more tolerable. I’m almost through week 7. My biggest issue is I don’t think it’s letting me add any fat I want for pl meet haha
I definitely tolerate tren E much better than tren A, but the latter really gives me a great look. Back at my peak in mid-February, I had some reasonably jacked dudes moving to one side to give me more space at the gym, even though I didn’t ask for it. Was kinda cool. Maybe tren E would do the same albeit over a longer time period. Will give that a try at some point.
He wants someone who hasn’t used flash labs products yet, and a daily detailed 8 week log of 500mg tren enan, 50mg turinabol preworkout, and I’m not exactly sure what testosterone Cypionate dose he wants: