Food or drink that you shouldn't be

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I’m pretty much a clean machine.

If I do stray (every so often) it’ll be eating carbs/sweets/etc I shouldn’t.

I’m usually pretty good about portion control and the meds assist.
Well of course but if I said sandwich cookies it doesn’t sm have same ring always double stuff
TG said:
I take in way more caffeine then I should be daily.
Yeah me too… anywhere from 3-5 cups of coffee. Sometimes more.

I forgot about the nicotine lozenges. I really really need to make a better effort to get off those.
I eat pretty clean but my ass went from Pepsi to rockstars they’re cheaper than red bulls…:man_shrugging:t3: Sometimes I’ll wake up at 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning Thisting for those bitches
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Poultry fat. Chicken skin particularly. I don’t think there is another fat that is worse for cholesterol then poultry fat. Duck fat is probably my favorite
Good god stop drinking those things. Just a few Things I’ve seen solely from regular energy drink consumption:

25 year old with liver enzymes so high he started to jaundice.

28 year old who we thought would need dialysis to save their kidneys, turns out they just had to quit the energy drinks.

The number of times folks have come in with chest pain so bad after drinking them they are convinced of a heart attack is astronomical.

I’ve actually seen cardiac enzymes elevated during one of these episodes.
There’s so much shit in there for the kidneys to have to filter out who knows.
I do watch this guy named emu something on YouTube he’s a doctor… Just tells various stories of crazy consumption of gummy vitamins to alcohol to you named it energy drinks… Anyhow some dude drank them back to back to back and I believe his pancreas started eating itself… Of course we’re talking like eight energy drinks within an hour maybe 2 hours
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