SB Labs

Fuckin stupid dumbass hackers

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Military Vet
So my dad just told me hackers hacked into a meat plant that’s all run by computers and shut it down,apparently it makes 20 % of our meat?? Now meat is gonna go up even more, anyone else heard this yet,any other details people know about? Also for breakfast I had 6 hard boiled eggs,no yolk,4 wheat toast no butter,5 turkey sausage.
That’s what happens when you automate shit and fire a bunch of people cause a computer just replaced them. Gonna see A LOT more of this cause they know they will get paid
It was JBS/Swifts, they are the largest producer of Beef and Chicken and 2nd largest of pork world wide. I do work at 2 of their nasty ass plants here in Iowa. Only a hand full of their plants were completely shut down, and they’re scheduled to be back up and running today… hopefully it won’t cause a big spike in price as meat is already f’ing ridiculous.
I fuckin hate people, I surround myself with as little amount of people I can.If I had no wife,kid,I would go around putting these kinds of people down for the count. Why you gotta fuck with my food,Fuck you maggots.I like nature’s and Mans ways of population control,the more that die,the less I have to deal with,like this bullshit.
Why not hack it? The company has to pay and Biden says the government doesn’t respond to business sector problems. He said this during the gas pipeline fiasco. Yes it drive gas prices up. Mostly likely going to drive meat up. This is definitely going to suck
Just stock up now. Shouldn’t be too big a hit. They are due to come back on line today. Only lost 2 days
I just saw that ground beef in 3wks will be 7$ a lb
I don’t even know about chicken but I have no idea how im going to afford food I can’t now and prices on everything are going up

I won’t even get started on how I feel about this government
It will overall be a big hit, pipeline,then meat producer, what’s next…
Ive got live traps, .22’s and .17’s, I’m not above eating what I can catch and butcher, rabbits, squirrels, Ive eaten raccoon, granted it was boudin, it was still delicious…
If meat prices go up, it’s something other than JBS/Swifts getting hacked, even though they’re the largest for beef and poultry and 2nd largest for pork they’re not the only, and Tysons, Prestaige and Smithfield’s aren’t too far behind as far as production goes. Ive worked in them all, they’re all equally disgusting, and they all have ammonia piping and boilers that always need worked on.
I will end up raising rabbits if shit really gets crazy rabbit is really good tasting and not easily raised but quickly so you have a great src of protein.
Damn we wash the trailers out at our farm for JBS Wife’s mom. Was CPA for Pilgrams before swift bought them out (pig side ) I thought swift was gone now just JBS. All the trucks where white said swift here now they are red JBS they control the woulda meat population I hack into programs all time that (ethical hacking ) 🙂 if I’m not hurting anyone I don’t see a prob with some free tv or a free program for personal use now especially with the way the rake our personal data. Microsoft, google, Apple they force updates on you so you have to agree they can monitor you it’s for all the fucking adds you see ( and for other reasons). Here is my thing what the fuck good is shutting down a meat plant it’s hurting peoples paychecks, food supply, ect. And let’s be serious if they paid in bitcoin you think they would really just turn it back on without 100 rootkits, worms Trojans sniffers ext to steal data
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