I started the tren/mast/cup blend about 3 weeks ago and it’s going great. I haven’t been at the gym as much as I would like to get maximum results but I’ve definitely leaned out a little and gotten more definition. I stopped the sust after 5 weeks(when the bottle ran out) because the Pip was particularly bad. So now I’m running about 400 test e a week with the blend which is 100/tren e, 100/mast e, 100/test c-per week. I started the blend at half strength for the first two weeks just to make sure that I didn’t have any negative reactions/sides since I’ve never used mast or tren before and now I’m running the full 100/100/100-per week. Im actually surprised how I like it. Made me a little aggressive the first week but once I was able to identify it and address it I’ve been smooth sailing since. Weight is still the same at 240lb but I’m a little leaner and a lot stronger. The only down side I’ve noticed is a little bit of a drag in my energy levels but I just push through that.